01 Jan 2012, 18:01

A Rural Irish School's App Inventor Pilot. The Story So Far.

#“A Rural Irish School’s App Inventor Pilot. The Story So Far.”

Last May I started playing around with the idea of doing some sessions on Google App Inventor in my kids’ Primary School. I’d had great success trying it out with three of my own kids aged 12 to 7.

If you are not familiar with App Inventor, it is a way of building mobile phone applications for Google Android phones using a simple graphical blocks approach. It is highly suited to an educational environment and has seen a lot of uptake since its launch in summer 2010. It has recently been taken over by MIT and I expect great things from them in the coming year.


I am a member of the school’s Parent’s Association and I pitched the idea of me doing some after-school sessions with maybe 5th and 6th class in the Autumn. They loved it and so I contacted the headmistress and the teacher mainly responsible for computers in the school. Due to the summer holidays, nothing much happened until September except for me realising that after-school requires a very long Garda approval process whilst during-school doesn’t. So we switched the focus to that.

A note on the school itself. It is a very successful rural school just outside Bandon, Co Cork with approx 25-30 kids in each year. The mix of kids (boys and girls) is everything from farmer’s children to those who live in Bandon town itself. Socio-economically, it ranges from the very well off to those on social welfare. Every class has an interactive white-board and there are 15 laptops available in addition to the teacher’s own. Most are PCs but there are a couple of Mac Books. However, there is no formal teaching of “computers”. More on this topic later.

Over the summer I made contact with somerelevantpeople and was delighted to get the loan of 15 HTC Magic phones to use in the pilot. However do not under-estimatethe amount of time needed to check that 15 phones work ok with App Inventor, have the correct settings turned on and are charged!

In the new term I met with some of the teachers and the new headmistress and they were very enthused. We put together a plan that would see me do a 30-minute session a week with each of 5th and 6th class from October until Christmas. The children would work in teams of two with a laptop and phone for each pair.

My big concern with the pilot was to ensure that “no kid gets left behind”. I knew those children who have PCs and even Smartphones at home would have no problems. I was much more interested in the ones who had neither and who had zero technical skills. I was also interested to see if App Inventor would work well for those who had resource teachers in certain subjects and even those who were on the autistic spectrum.

Basically, I had this idealised vision that our little pilot could help a bunch of kids discover the joy that comes from being creative in a technology sphere and maybe even give them job options in 8 years time that they had never considered possible. I know, I know.

I used the Google Apps for Schools system to create 30 GMail accounts for the kids which they would need to login to App Inventor. I took the first standard tutorial (HelloPurr) and re-wrote it to be much more simplistic. I made sure to get all the domains we needed allowed through the educational firewall. I installed Java and App Inventor on some of the laptops and the 5th Class teacher did the remainder in advance.

I headed in on the first day to introduce them all to App Inventor. The response was amazing. Every kid in both classes was totally pumped by the idea. They all immediately wanted to create Angry Birds, Zombie games and 3D games. Everyone seemed to be a Cut The Rope and Doodle Jump fanatic. It all looked good.

I put together a “curriculum” which would see us do two tutorials and then move to the kids coming up with ideas for their own Apps and then building them. The aim was to have a competition at Christmas for the best App.

Things didn’t quite work out as planned………..

The first few weeks were hell. Both myself and the kids got very frustrated. And it was all down to the most basic problems that you never think about as a technical person but which can stop any normal person in their tracks.

In week one we didn’t even manage to log every team into App Inventor. The problems included:

  1. Very few understood the difference between the address bar and Google Search
  2. Many had issues just getting the email address and password in correctly
  3. A lot of time was being wasted asking the children to type in long URLs to get to images etc and they would type them wrong or mis-capitalise things
  4. The Captchas stumped most of them
  5. App Inventor had huge issues with re-directing to blank pages and requiring page refreshes
  6. We finally realised that App Inventor is incompatible with Internet Explorer but that was all we had on every machine
  7. 15 laptops logging into the same site on a school rotuer caused freeze-ups due to lack of bandwidth
  8. Logout/Login between 5th and 6th class was a nightmare of bad re-directs, cookies and browser cache
  9. Kids don’t listen :-)
So we got Google Chrome installed on all of the laptops and things improved in week 2 (but not the blank screen issue).

Instead of us getting HelloPurr done in 2 weeks, it took us until late November. Each week I would have to jump from pair to pair, dealing with problems ranging from kids forgetting their email address, to Chrome problems, to phone connection problems, to mis-understandings. It was chaos. And none of it was their fault, it was mine for not realising how little most children know about the nuts and bolts of using software. Most of them know how to get to a web-site in IE8, that’s all.

The Blocks Editor was a particular pain point and still is. It looks like we’ll have to switch to Firefox to get it to launch reliably.

But the day we got HelloPurr running on 15 phones in each class was really special. All of them were delighted with themselves. They were beaming. I also pointed out to them that their use of a phone emulator in the previous weeks put them in a very small group of programmers globally.

In the last couple of weeks we have switched to doing the MoleMash tutorial. The reason for this is that it can form the basis for a wide range of games. Due to the previous chaos and the fact that we have most of the nitty gritty problems sorted, I am doing this tutorial as a classroom style lesson. I do each step live on the white-board and they copy me. I don’t go to the next step until everyone says they have successfully carried out the previous one. The progress has been far better and on the 21st Dec, they all got the first revision of MoleMash running in an emulator.

One other advantage of this approach is that the teachers say they can follow things a lot better themselves. They were competely lost as I battled with Internet Explorer, the Blocks Editor and the Emulator.

The last two sessions were also an hour with each class instead of 30 minutes. I think we’ll stick with this in the new year. We lose 10-15 mins of every session with login/logout problems and transferring 15 laptops between the classes. We had much more than 2x progress with the longer sessions.

The Google tutorials themselves are totally unsuitable for children of that age as they are far too information-dense and assume too much knowledge. A lot more hand-holding is needed.

With the Google shutdown and the delay before MIT is ready, I have created a private install of App Inventor for the school so we can continue. I expect them all to get the full MoleMash game running on real phones before the end of January. Then I think we’ll do some variations on it so they can see how easy it is to modify. Then we need to explain some of the other key blocks and then maybe let them try their own Apps.

Whilst the sessions are exhausting I enjoy doing them. Particularly when the 6th class teacher told me that she sees kids completely engaged during those sessions who she has been unable to motivate in anything else. She also told me that certain kids who are struggling in school in general seem to shine doing App Inventor. Maybe I wasn’t being so idealistic?

One big problem we have is that I don’t scale. Committing to a day a week for months was unrealistic and I had to re-schedule a bunch of sessions. I always knew we’d have to do “train the trainer” but I don’t know if the school has other parents with the skills, interest and time to take part. I hope so. I’ll be putting the call out soon.

We willstillhave our App competition with a prize, it’ll just be months later than I expected.

The general lack of computing skills in Irish schools is pretty shocking and it tells me that it’s time to wind down certain subjects and add “computers” as a subject at Primary level. Can I suggest moving allreligiouseducation to Sunday Schools like other religions do? Parents with the skills, interest and time could run those religion sessions. That would free up a huge amount of time to let schools do their real job.

Overall? A big success, loved by both kids and teachers. I just need to be more realistic with the timescales and the skillsets.


31 Dec 2011, 17:50

Summary of Setting Up Your Own Private App Inventor Server For Your School

#“Summary of Setting Up Your Own Private App Inventor Server For Your School”

It turns out that the setup of a private App Inventor server is easier than I thought. If you are used to Amazon EC2, it’ll be a doddle for you. The Google App Engine bit is absolutely trivial. Full MIT documentation is here.

  1. Go to appengine.google.com and sign-up with a GMail/GApps address.
  2. Create an App. This only means giving the App an name.You’ll have to confirm your identity by SMS from Google. We used a variation of the name of our school as the app name so that our private App Inventor will be accessible at http://nameofourschool.appspot.com
  3. Download and install the latest Oracle/SUN JDKon your PC
  4. Download the App Engine Java SDK
  5. Unzip it to somewhere like c:\apps\appengine-java-sdk-1.6.1
  6. Download the latest App Inventor zip (currently Dec 20th 2011)
  7. Unzip
  8. Then un-gzip and un-tar theappinventor-Dec-20.tgz contained within. (Use 7-Zip for all these different archive formats if you are on a Windows PC)
  9. Navigate down into the the directory tree created by all this unzipping and copy the appinventor sub-directory you find so that it is at something like c:\apps\appinventor
  10. Now you need to setup a Build Server if you want to be able to download the Apps onto real phones. I did this on Amazon EC2
    1. Go to Amazon AWS and Sign-Up for a new account
    2. You will have to provide a Credit Card but it won’t be charged
    3. You will be verified by an automated phone call
    4. Once the account is fully live, go to the AWS Console and make sure you are viewing EC2 instances in EU-West (Ireland)
    5. Create a new Amazon Linux AMI Micro 32-Bit Instance in Ireland using their new Quick Wizard. (Go for 32-bit to save hassle)
    6. This is free for a year so you don’t have to worry about cost. Maybe a tenner a month after that?
    7. Grab the PEM SSH Key and do the usual messing to convert it to a Putty ppk file so that you can SSH to the instance.
    8. SSH to the instance
    9. Grab that App Inventor zip from Step 6 using wget on the EC2 instance
    10. Do all the unzipping etc again, but this time you want the other file contained within (for-BuildServer.tgz). Un-tar and un-gzip thatfor-BuildServer.tgz file
    11. I found that the OpenJDK that comes pre-configured on the Amazon Linux instances threw an error when I tried to build using it. So I installed the Oracle/SUN JDK instead
      1. Go tohttp://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-7u2-download-1377129.html
      2. It appears Java 1.7 has issues with signing the Apps. So you have to use the older 1.6 instead
      3. Go tohttp://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-6u30-download-1377139.html
      4. Download the 32-bit RPM bin for Linux using wget on the instance
      5. sudo sh thenameofthefile.rpm.bin
      6. sudo alternatives –install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/latest/bin/java 1500
      7. sudo alternatives –set java /usr/java/latest/bin/java
    12. Now you can run the build server by going to the for-BuildServer directory you created in Step J above and just running./launch-buildserver
    13. In the AWS Console, Open up port 9990 in the security groups
    14. Copy the public DNS name of your server from the AWS console
  11. Now back on your Windows machine, go to c:\apps\appinventor\war\WEB-INF\appengine-web.xml
    1. Change localhost in<property name=“build.server.host” value=“localhost:9990” /> to the public DNS name of your build server
    2. Change<property name=“use.whitelist” value=“false”/> to be true
    3. Save the file
  12. Now editc:\apps\appinventor\war\whitelist and add the GMail/GApps addresses of every account that you are allowing to use this App Inventor instance. In our case that it me, 2 teachers and 30 pairs of kids, all using the school Parent’s Association GApps email addresses that I created.
  13. In a Windows Command Prompt, cd to the c:\apps\appengine (or whatever) directory and then enter c:\apps\appengine-java-sdk-1.6.1\bin\appcfg.cmd -A myapplicationID update war (where myapplicationID is obviously the name you picked in Step 2)
  14. The last step builds and uploads App Inventor to App Engine and runs it. If, after a few minutes, you get a Success message then you are in business! Just go to http://nameofyourapp.appspot.com and you can login with your GMail/GApps account and start using App Inventor just like on the original Google site.
As I said in the last post, the only major concern is what number of simultaneous users will kick us out of the free tier on App Engine. Also, if lots of people are packaging Apps for phones, the Micro EC2 instance will take an age to build them. This isn’t a huge issue for us as we spend 99% of our time either using the emulator or a live non-packaged debug session on the phones.

Shout if you have any questions or comments.

My next App Inventor post will be a status report on how the pilot in our school is going.

31 Dec 2011, 15:19

Just in The Nick of Time - Our School's Own App Inventor Setup

#“Just in The Nick of Time - Our School’s Own App Inventor Setup”

Now to kick the tyres a bit more and make sure all is ok. One big worry is that 15 pairs of kids simultaneously using it will boot us out of the free tier and into the pay tier.

31 Dec 2011, 11:59

Time for an Irish Technology Industry Lobby?

#“Time for an Irish Technology Industry Lobby?”

The concern that many people have over the upcoming legislation aroundthe Charleton judgementwent into high gear when it was announced recently that The Data Protection Commissionhad instructed Eircomto halt its three strikes policy against music piracy. This fear was compounded by the relevant Junior Minister being shockingly dismissive and flippant towards anyone who expressed concern on Twitter. Finally, in the same week, initialACTAlegislation was weaseled through the EU Council byhiding it in an Agricultural & Fisheries session!

If you haven’t read the Charleton judgement, you should do so. There is some good stuff in there but the numbers quoted and accepted by the court are hysterically funny. They claim 675,000 of the 1,571,000 broadband subscribers in Ireland are involved in illegally downloading material. The extrapolations from a few basic numbers are equallyrisible. Seeing mentions of ancient networks like Limewire, eDonkey and Gnutella is just cringeworthy.Charleton’s favourable view towards a global file registry shows just how dangerous the courts can be when they lack the knowledge and expertise in an area.I assume UPC didn’t challenge any of this nonsense as it wasn’t the legal angle they were working and the just wanted aSafe Harbourjudgementlike the US.
Sidenote: IANAL, but doesn’t the DPC instruction fly directly in theface of the Charleton statement that “I am of the view that there are no privacy or dataprotection implications to detecting unauthorised downloads of copyright material using peer-to-peer technology;”?
When Minister Sherlock then tells us that there has already been a call “for submissions from the public” that none of us heard about, we have a recipe for disaster with the legislation effectively being written by EMI and their chums due to lack of a balancing lobby. One can only hope the Department is aware of therecent ECJ judgement on IP rights.
The podcast I linked to recentlydrove home this idea very strongly to me. The reason bullshit like SOPA gets anywhere in the US is because the media lobby is incredibly strong and sophisticated. The technology lobby, which should be there to fight off disgraceful internet-breaking approaches like SOPA is barely inexistence, is un-coordinated and is immature. In Ireland I don’t think we have any sort of lobby or if there is, it is so ineffective, I haven’t heard of it.
The basic mistake Charleton makes over and over in his judgement, including the final section is his belief that “Solutions are available to the problem of internet copyright piracy”. As Leo Laporte re-iterates throughout that podcast, no solution can ever work in the longterm when everything is “bits”. The only outcome that a technological approach to piracy in Ireland will cause is a giant leap in the revenues of international VPN providers.
We need a lobby group that is there to fight for the interests and rights of internet users and technology businesses that operate on the internet. It should have everyone from Irish ISPs and giant corporations like Google and Amazon to those who represent the fundamental rights of all individuals to full internet access. If left unchallenged, the media lobby will destroy the usefulness of the internet for everyone, in order to protect their dying business models.
In a similar vein, I noteda recent newspaper articlewhere a member of the media lobby purposely tried to confuse US-style fair-use laws (which we lack) with making all copying free. This is the kind of FUD that needs to be smacked back hard by a balancing lobby.
The most successful grass-roots lobby we’ve had to date was Ireland Offline. Is it time to put something similar together, with tons of clout, to ensure we don’t end up with 19th Century mindsets being applied to a 21st century communications medium?
I’m not in a position to kick something like that off, but I’d damn well support it, if those with the skills and contacts did so.

30 Dec 2011, 14:26

HP ePrint App for iPad - Why HP was right to exit Tablet Biz

#“HP ePrint App for iPad - Why HP was right to exit Tablet Biz”


App Store - HP ePrint Home & Biz.

I helped my Dad setup printing from his iPad to his HP wireless printer over the Christmas. The easiest way is just to email the private address of the printer using the HP ePrint service. But I spotted that they have an iPad App too and I installed it.

Oh dear god. An ususable, counter-intuitive steaming pile of garbage. It doesn’t even have a Wizard to help you setup. Just a blank screen and some buttons.

I finally sorted it out after 15 minutes of messing. And then reverted to using the email method.

I’d like to congratulate HP on killing the TouchPad. Even they realised that they haven’t the first clue how tablets work.

28 Dec 2011, 12:45

Mini-Review of Google App Inventor Beginner's Guide by Ralph Roberts

#“Mini-Review of Google App Inventor Beginner’s Guide by Ralph Roberts”

The nice people in Packt Publishing sent me a free review copy ofGoogle App Inventor Beginner's Guide by Ralph Roberts recently. As someone who adores App Inventor, I was thrilled to see the book being published. I'll do a full review later as I haven'tfinishedit yet but I wanted to get some initial thoughts out there as I think the book is worth buying.

There are two big problems with App Inventor at the moment. One isobviouslythe shutdown by Google in three days time, before MIT is ready to take it over. I think this is a bad mistake by Google and means a lot of the goodwill towards the project may be lost. Luckily MIT is releasing early versions of the code so you can setup your own server. This will allow some of us to keep going in the gap period.

The second problem is the quality of the initial tutorial material. Whilst the examples are of kid-friendly Apps, the descriptions are far too technical and concise. I've had to re-write some of them for a non-technical Primary School audience and even the re-writes have needed simplifying.

So a book like this is really badly needed by educators and overall I'd recommend purchasing it if you want to get to grips with App Inventor. I only have two real criticisms. It's very obvious they have quickly hacked in some mentions of the Google shutdown. A 2nd Edition will probably be required in March/April once the MIT move is complete. But that's hardly the author's/publisher's fault.

The second criticism is that I think the first few chapters need a re-do. They flip between extremely simplistic descriptions and details like setting up Linux device drivers. This makes it quite confusing for beginners. They should pick one platform (Windows really) and base everything on that. All the nitty gritty of Linux/Mac etc should move to the Appendices. Also the Emulator and connecting to phones shouldn't be mentioned until it is time to run the first tutorial App. In fact, rather than going through each feature in each screen one-by-one whether basic or advanced, Chapters 12 should consist of a very basic tutorial from going to the App Inventor site to running on the emulator or phone.

Once they get into actual tutorials, the book flows quite well. I'd love to see a stripped down version of it for kids K-12 that could accompany the main book for maybe $2-$3 per child. I know 60 who'd love to have something they could bring home after school!

28 Dec 2011, 10:43

Just had a Horrible Thought. Could I move from Posterous to Google+?

#“Just had a Horrible Thought. Could I move from Posterous to Google+?”

I've always loved the easiness of Posterous but it still has enormous problems with comments and Social Logins and I'm getting really tired of it. The lack of an official Export feature (yes I know about the API) always worries me too.

My default would be to switch to good old self-hosted WordPress plus something like Amplify for sharing interesting pages as posts.

But I just had the scary thought that Google+ could be "good enough". The Data Liberation Front means I don't have to worry about lock-in and the sharing features are pretty darned good. But of course all my old posts wouldremainstuck on Posterous and I can't have a custom domain.

Ah ok, maybe I'll stick with the WP idea.

27 Dec 2011, 21:21

The Death of Boxee

#“The Death of Boxee”

Boxee finally told us what we all knew was coming, they are dropping support for PC/Mac/Linux. And with that, we now know they are done. I predict they will either shut up shop before this time next year or be sold for chump change by their VCs. Rumours that they are already hawking themselves around to CE companies sound reasonable.

Boxee got all of its buzz and online promotion from early adopters like me who loved their fork of the XBMC code-base. It worked brilliantly on both Windows and Linux for me. Then the updates stopped as they tried to release the code for the D-Link Boxee Box. This was an unmitigated disaster. The box that was released was, by all accounts, unusable. Even now, I see constant problem reports.

This was followed by the partnership with Iomega who finally managed to stagger out with a box recently, probably 6 months late?

And whilst all of this has been going on, what has happened? The rise of the Second Screen. The sad fact is that I don’t need Boxee any more, I just need something (anything) that can play a wide range of media formats. i.e. pretty much any media app or box out there. All of the Social stuff has moved to Tablets and Smartphones. It never really worked on the big screen.

Strangely Boxee admit as much in their blogpost. It reads as a farewell.

As for super-smart connected TVs? Oh please. I spent the 90s working on digital TV software for the likes of Philips and Toshiba. Despite all their attempts to be more, these companies have never succeeded at doing any more than shipping LCD displays. The future belongs to Android and iOS with Social EPGs in our hands controlling everything. And those Apps won’t be, can’t be, Boxee.

So long Boxee, and thanks for all the fish.




24 Dec 2011, 11:21

The Technical Magic of Playing a Song in Our Car in 2011

#“The Technical Magic of Playing a Song in Our Car in 2011”

In the olden days (as my kids call the 90s), we turned on the radio in the car and played music or stuck a tape in a tape deck. In recent years we'd plug a phone, iPod or USB stick into a car stereo. Now we are messing with streaming more. It's still as patchy as hell in Ireland with all the mobile blackspots on our motorways but we had a reasonable amount of success yesterday doing the M8-M7-M3 run.

Sidenote: And what a marvellous road that M3 is. Anyone not using it on principle? Nah,didn'tthink so.

As we lashed along the M3, with each of us calling out songs to play next, I realised we were using a huge amount of technology to get Led Zeppelin, Rock and Roll, playing out through the car speakers. Here's a diagram of it.


The two key bits are Bluetooth A2DP to the car stereo and my HTC Sensation acting as a Wifi portable hotspot so the youngfella wouldn't incur any mobile data charges. Apart from the odd bit of buffering, we reached Cavan with Queens of The Stone Age, No One Knows, at top volume.

I think it's good to stop everyone once in a while and marvel at the magic of all of this. My first job was writing code for a GSM basestation and there were thousands of people involved in just that. Think about every piece of the mediadeliverychain and how many people were involved in creating it. We humans can be pretty awesome sometimes.

Oh and this was the top tune in our car, played over and over on the trip. A soundtrack you should definitely buy. A bajillion times better than the dire movie.

Happy Christmas!

22 Dec 2011, 11:35

This is Facebook's Idea of Chronological

#“This is Facebook’s Idea of Chronological”

Oh I just give up.
