17 Jul 2011, 10:53

Rolling Up My Sleeves to Build a Cross-Platform Mobile App with FeedHenry

#“Rolling Up My Sleeves to Build a Cross-Platform Mobile App with FeedHenry”

I’ve been playing around with the FeedHenry platform for the past few months and it really has me excited with the possibilities. If you are not familiar with it, it’s a platform for building iPhone/Android/Blackberry/WP7/Nokia-WRT mobile applications from one code-base using just HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These are not just web-apps, they can be uploaded to the various App Stores too.

Pause for disclosure: I have done some work for the guys so feel free to treat my opinions accordingly.

There are several different ways of skinning the multi-platform cat and after all my study, FeedHenry is my preferred one. As they build everything in the cloud for you, you don’t need to have 5 SDKs installed on your computer. Just upload and/or edit code in their online Studio, click Build and you are done.

On the handset side, you build your Apps using all the same HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript skills you learned doing normal web-apps. You then use the FeedHenry JavaScript APIs to access things like camera, GPS, local storage etc. The same calls are used no matter what handset you are on. You can use any UI library you like too. Raw HTML, JQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch are the three main ones. If you have other JS libraries, you can pull those in too.

If that’s all it did, I’d still be interested because I will never sit down and learn iOS development or BB but if I can use general web skills to build Apps for those platforms, that’s a huge win for me. But FeedHenry also has a Server-Side and that’s where it gets very cool. You can write Server code in JavaScript too and they provide APIs for the handset to access that functionality. Now you can do all the heavy lifting and Web Services integrations on the Server and then just shoot over the information the handset needs. Your apps become far more lightweight, the battery usage is improved and you can use things like SQL or NoSQL databases on the Server.


Remember, we’re still talking the same skillset you used to build your last “full size” web-app. How flippin cool is that? Suddenly, when customers ask for an iPhone App for the web-app you built, you don’t have to suck air in through your teeth and mention months of work.

The most recent upgrade on FeedHenry was actually the prompt for me to write this post. I have become a GitHub fanatic. Whilst Git itself is fine as a version control system, I’m just in awe of the service that GitHub has layered on top of it. The notification system is amazing - I get a GTalk IM the second any developer does a commit on our repos. FeedHenry has now integrated GitHub into the build flow. So you can use your normal development toolset and work away on GitHub. When you are ready to build your Apps, just login to FeedHenry, give it the GitHub URL and bada-bing, your Apps are generated.

Thennnnnn, I got even more excited because I discovered the fabulousness of the Cloud 9 IDE. A browser-based full-blown development IDE with GitHub integration! So I can work away in that IDE, committing my changes and then generate the Apps in FeedHenry. Full end-to-end Cross-Platform mobile App development without a single thing having to be installed on my PC.

I’ve said it many times before, but if someone is looking for an area to up-skill in, I think it has to be in mobile and it has to be in hard-core JavaScript development.

I have four projects at the minute which will be built in FeedHenry. Three itch-scratchers and one pretty serious-assed. I’ll report back on them (and pimp them) as soon as they are ready. 


13 Jul 2011, 14:43

Courts Service saves 30m in costs - Seriously Impressed

#“Courts Service saves \u008030m in costs - Seriously Impressed”

The report said the electronic transfer of information between the courts and the garda has reduced the administration associated with old manual methods by 75 per cent and free up hours equal to approximately 105 full time equivalent staff.

Give the person responsible for this a big promotion. Well bloody done.

Anyone have budget numbers for Courts and HSE to multiply up and see what savings would be possible in HSE?

There's easily the budget for an emergency department in Roscommon if all hospitals just sent all appointments for one set of tests in one envelope. Watching individual letters arrive per test, for the same day, with different goddammed fasting rules, tells you just how far back in the 19th century that HSE admin is.

13 Jul 2011, 13:40

So I got a new laptop. That's probably the last time I'll ever mention it

#“So I got a new laptop. That’s probably the last time I’ll ever mention it”

Laptops for me are like desktops, phones and screwdrivers. They are tools, not an expression of who I am as a person or what lifestyle I aspire to.

I got my last proper one four years ago. It's still going strong and still as dog slow as the day I bought it, second-hand, on eBay. It was a Dell D420 which I have been juggling with a 120 quid Acer Netbook for the past few years. Whilst the portability was always great, the lack of welly and memory had become insufferable over the past year. Maxing it to 1.5GB RAM, using an SSD and switching to Ubuntu didn't help that much. Open 20 Chrome Tabs (or 1 Firefox Tab) and it was pretty much out of memory.

So I finally decided to go back down the desktop-replacement route like my ancient and still functional Acer Aspire 2026 which did Le Web 2006 with me.

There is phenomenal value to be had right now around the 400 Euro mark with decent machines sporting 15.6" screens, i3 dual-core CPUs and a few gigs of RAM. But if this machine was to last me another 4 years I had to go higher spec. Strangely that turned out to be quite difficult.

Obviously I'm not going to spend silly money on an MBP, so I looked at the usual suspects of Acer, Asus, Samsung, Dell, HP etc. I've been disappointed with Dell every time I've gone to spec a machine for anyone in the past few years. As soon as you add any desirable feature, the price goes through the roof. So the 15z and its light brother dropped out of the race pretty quickly. With most of the other brands, the selection dropped to almost nothing once I specified an i7 CPU. The one exception was Asus on the Komplett.ie site which had every possible combination of CPU/Memory/Screen you could possibly ask for.

It turns out that my ideal spec is actually a gaming PC spec. The last desktop game I played regularly was Quake so I don't really fit the demographic but what the hell, if the machines meed my needs, I'm happy.

After a bunch of to'ing and fro'ing and spec reading and review reading and YouTube watching I decided that the Asus N53S Series(Asus Site Link) was the one for me. The spec is as follows:
  • Asus 15,6" N53SN-SZ139V
  • Full HD 1920 x 1080 - LED Backlit
  • 2.0 Mega Pixel Webcam
  • Sandybridge Intel Core i7 2630QM - 2,0GHz - Can spike to 3.0GHz. Quad core, 8 threads.
  • 6 GB DDR3 RAM
  • 640 GB 5400rpm HDD
  • Dual Layer DVDReWriter
  • NVIDIA GeForce GT 550 Graphics - 2 GB. Auto-switches to more battery-friendly IntelGraphicswhen not needed.
  • Bang & Olufsen Speakers
  • Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11b/g/n wireless
  • Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
  • 2x USB 2.0, RJ45 LAN, HDMI, Mic-in jack, Headphone jack out, VGA Port/MINI D-sub, 3-in-1 card-reader (SD, MMC, MS)
  • 1x USB 3.0

Things I love:
  • Jesus it's fast. I think it may be faster than my desktop
  • Full HD screen is stunning
  • Speakers are very loud and have plenty of bass
  • HDMI-out in case I need to plug into TV
  • USB 3,.0 gives me some future-proofing
  • It feels solid like it's going to last the expected 4 years.
  • It just works

Things I don't love:
  • US Layout keyboard which causes character mapping grief when I have UK external keyboard plugged in
  • Keyboard itself is a littlespongy
  • I suspect the 2GB of video RAM is taken from the 6GB of main RAM (TBC)
  • DVI or Displayport would have been nice
  • It's bloody huge. My rucksack isn't big enough to take it. So new bag will have to be bought
  • It came with a Dutch version of that stripped down MS Office (sort that, Komplett!)
  • It was riddled with pre-installed bloatware, all of which I deleted
  • It had a weird partitioning of the HDD (which was easy to change)
So overall I'm happy as a pig in shite and I'd strongly recommend it if you need something able to run VMware or other resource-sucking apps. Actually, as it doesn't need an external screen,for most people it would easily do double duty as a laptop and their main desktop.

11 Jul 2011, 21:59

How to Get Rid of Those Damned Giant Skype Pop-Up Ads

#“How to Get Rid of Those Damned Giant Skype Pop-Up Ads”


Pretty much every time I bring up Skype, I get one of these massive overlay ads. This is despite me saying I don't want to see ads and, more importantly, the fact that I'm a paying customer. This is customer abuse, plain and simple.

Luckily I found a solution on one of the Skype forums.
  1. In Skype, go to Tools > Change Language > Edit Skype Language File… > Save as…
  2. Save default English as "SkypeEnglish.lang"
  3. If Windows can't save it in Skype dir, just let it save in your User Dir
  4. Edit that file in a text editor
  5. Change s_LANGUAGE_NAME=English to s_LANGUAGE_NAME=DieSkypeAdsDie in that file
  6. Save it
  7. Back in Skype, go to Tools > Change Language > Load Skype Language File… > "SkypeEnglish.lang"
  8. In Tools > Change Language, you should see Language Set to "DieSkypeAdsDie (user-defined)"
The reason this works is because Skype targets ads based on Language. It doesn't have any ads for the DieSkypeAdsDie Language so it doesn't show any.

A better solution would be for Skype not to abuse their paying customers with relentless repetitive in-your-face ads like this.

06 Jul 2011, 19:05

That means 7,000 out of 26m people on Skype are using Video Chat right now

#“That means 7,000 out of 26m people on Skype are using Video Chat right now”

My Skype says 26m people connected right now.

Skype says that 300m video chat minutes are used every month.

So 10m minutes a day.

So 7,000 people every minute out of the 26m connected. i.e. a maximum of 3,500 chats.

Sounds about right. i.e. bugger all.

What is this bubble obsession with video chat apart from small kids and their parents/grand-parents when they are away?

Iridium phone anyone?

Or has my pounding-headache-addled brain done the maths wrong?

06 Jul 2011, 18:04

Hurrah - D-Link brings the Boxee Box remote to PC

#“Hurrah - D-Link brings the Boxee Box remote to PC”


Love that remote. Hate the generic Chinese eBay MCE one that we use at the moment. I assume it'll also work with XBMC?

$50 is a bit steep tho.

Now we just have to wait for Boxee to be stable on Ubuntu again. Roll on Autumn.

06 Jul 2011, 13:37

Just discovered VMware Unity - Standalone Ubuntu Windows in Windows 7!

#“Just discovered VMware Unity - Standalone Ubuntu Windows in Windows 7!”


Last night I did a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04 in VMware Player on my Windows 7 machine. I love the Easy-Install feature which makes this an unattended piece of cake. But I was perplexed to find that the new Ubuntu Unity Desktop was missing. Eventually I sussed that it doesn't work (yet) in Player. But in my search I kept finding references to another "Unity" in VMware so I had to see what it was.

And OMG it's awesome. When you turn on Unity in VMware Player, you can launch any of your Virtual Machine's Apps inside native windows on Windows! So GEdit, XEmacs, SSH tunnels to RDS, Terminal, anything you like. You get an extra launcher above your Windows Start Button to access any of those Linux Apps.

I used to do something similar to this back in the 90s where I'd run a Linux box in the lab and run X-Windows software on the PC which allowed me to display remote windows. But generally it was slow, buggy and crashed a lot. This Unity setup means I can now pretty much forget about needing a dedicated Linux Laptop/PC or even dual boot. I now have the best of both worlds on the one desktop.

Next step is to see if VMware Player can access remote VMs on other machines like I used to do with ESX server etc.

05 Jul 2011, 14:27

Dermot Casey at IGNITE Dublin #7 - Great talk on Education

#“?Dermot Casey at IGNITE Dublin #7 - Great talk on Education??”

Something useful can come from Google+ !

03 Jul 2011, 12:46

The 627,000th Post on Google+ This Week

#“The 627,000th Post on Google+ This Week”

You are all probably as sick as I am of all the stuff written about Google+. But I’ve found very few posts digging into the functionality beyond the usual top-level feature list. I’m really pleased that Google is actively soliciting feedback after their ostrich-like behaviour with Buzz. But there is too much here for me to enter as individual tickets.


Overall I like Google+ and think I’ll be using it quite a bit. But only with the understanding that some of the major problems are fixed in the short-term. I kept going back to Buzz to find that none of the fundamental design errors had been addressed. Signs are good that we won’t have a repeat here.


Sharing and Privacy

I know Google was looking for a USP over Facebook and Twitter and decided Privacy/Sharing Circles was it. I’m still not convinced. Like a lot of people I just break most stuff down into Public and Private. I don’t have the time to ponder every post and wonder what tiny sub-section of the world I want to share it with. With me, Twitter is 100% Public, Facebook is 80% Public and the rest is Family-only or Friends-only sharing on Facebook. That’s it. Having said that, the implementation of Circles in excellent so if you care about that level of refinement on Sharing, you’ll love it.


Mobile App

The mobile app is superb. In fact, just like Buzz, I think G+ could have been launched as a mobile-only product and the web stuff could have come later. The mobile product understands that people want to scan quickly through things and presents everything in a really compact and efficient way. Far better than the web-app, which I’ll address below. BUT, BIG BLOODY BUT, the Mobile App is blocked from the Irish Android Market. What the hell were you thinking? US fine. UK fine. But those bloody Paddies, they’ll wreck the thing? Luckily many of us know how to work around such silliness and the APK is available to install from many places. 

The Mobile App already has slick Places integration and effectively has check-in using that. I have no doubt that they will add the Hotpot reviewing functionality soon and then Hotpot on Places makes far more sense. Another nail in coffin of Yelp etc. But just like Buzz, they haven’t tied the mobile activity to the Places pages on the web. This is critical to compete with Facebook Places and will be great for mobile Deals too. I’m looking forward to adding Places/Plus reviewing to LouderVoice to join Facebook and Twitter. 


Mute, Mute, Mute Mute

Unfortunately two of the biggest design flaws in Buzz are still present in G+ (and indicate that Plus has a lot of Buzz under the hood). The first is that every thread is expanded by default. This simple feature renders G+ almost unusable once you add more than a few friends and any of them get more than one or two comments. Given that the layout of G+ is very similar to Facebook, I just cannot understand why they didn’t copy the best features of a system with 700m users. Every post should have comment count and maybe one sample comment with the ability to optionally show them all. That’s it. And honestly, just like Buzz, this will be a deal-breaker for me if it isn’t fixed. I ended up in exactly the same use-mode on G+ yesterday as I did on Buzz, hitting Mute over and over until the newsfeed was readable.

UPDATE: Did they fix this on Saturday night? Suddenly I’m seeing much less noise and now they have comment counts.

The same comment applies in general to the use of screen real estate. Everything is too spread out and bloated so your RSI goes through the roof using the mousewheel. e.g. the inline images and YouTube thumbnails are too big and you see all of the content of very long posts. I’ve watched Facebook iterating this a lot over the past few years and I think they have nailed it on the sizing. Just copy em Goog, no shame in copying the best. “More ….” is one of the best features on any site.

Finally there is chronology. Any app like this must be strictly chronological based on original posts only. It works for Twitter, it works for Facebook and it works everywhere else the concept of “real-time” appears. I never want to see a post bubble back up to the top of the screen due to +1’s or Social Clout or Comments. Ever.


These work brilliantly (and even better on Android). One of the best features of the system.



All the webcams on all the laptops in the world and I have done Video Chat once in my life. Completely uninteresting for me unless you have grandparents chatting to grandkids who live far away. I hear Facebook are adding this too. Anyone have numbers on who uses this on Skype?


Haven’t used it but like the idea I think.



Not really sure about this. Tried it a couple of times and didn’t get anything valuable out of it. But see my comments below on “The News”


Profile URLs

Yes we want our vanity URLs and we want them now. http://plus.google.com/conoro please


Non-Import of Feeds

Thousands of words have been written about why Buzz was a flop. My take on it is that the ability to add external Feeds from day 1 was the killer-blow. Everyone came in, added Twitter, Flickr, Google Reader, Random RSS Crap and then left. So if you went into Buzz, it looked busy but not a single post was by a person actually live on the system. I’ve already seen some of the usual Social Media Ninjas look for this feature on G+ so they can spam us all to death with their Top Ten Lists. Please please please Google, resist.


Instant Upload and Picasa

I have tried so many apps on Android to do this and none of them was reliable or seamless. This is both. Love it love it love it. Picasaweb is the first Consumer Google service where I actually handed over money for extra storage and have been uploading all my pictures over the past few months. So the timing on this is fantastic. 


Google Apps and the Enterprise

We beat you up relentlessly over this on Buzz and you kept saying “coming soon”. We’ve all been through the hell of the Account Transition over the past few months and yet it’s still not there. And on this topic, why do G+ and Picasa not offer the account-switch functionality? Look at how Reader does it and copy that. Having to load-up the resource-pig Firefox 45 just to use G+ in more than a little annoying. 

After two days of using G+ I came to the conclusion that it is a killer app for the Enterprise. The core sharing functionality with GApps would be a Yammer killer. More importantly, add desktop sharing and voice-only group conferencing to Hangout and there goes GotoMeeting, GotoWebinar, Webex and Skype. Make Google Voice global, give us the ability to have dial-in international numbers like Skype and I could see Skype being wiped out. Give me all of that and then I’ll happily pay for Google Apps. Right now, pay-for is just not compelling.


Filters, Meta data, Hashtags and The News

This is not only a huge topic but the one area I feel that G+ could have a much more attractive USP than the privacy thing. I think Goog needs to flip the thinking on G+. Who I share with is not that interesting. What I want to read is the interesting bit. 

I am currently using Circles not for sharing but as Twitter Lists. I have my News Circle and that’s what I have displayed by default, just like on Tweetdeck. But, as with Twitter, there is no way of filtering the content of that list down by topic/interest/hate. My little Curation By Me experiment (totally new version coming later this summer) was a micro-step towards filtering Lists so that you can see exactly what you are interested in and not see the stuff that bores you to death. 

Yeah, I know, I’m back on to my Sports Saturday Die Die Die obsession. But it is important. Facebook could have nailed it with the newer Groups functionality but insists you are a Facebook user to see them. I had a go at using a Group for the Irish Election but it was a waste of time due to the login restriction. That’s why Twitter is the winner for News. Nothing comes close for open indexable real-time news.

But I think Twitter is wide-open to be very badly damaged by G+. Hashtags are a brilliantly useful horrific hack to get around the lack of interest grouping in Twitter. I don’t want raw hashtags on G+, I want out-of-band labels, custom meta-data (when we have an API), global public topic search and Groups. 

I watch US TV shows now and they publish their hashtag on screen. How many of the millions of people watching that have a clue what they are? Surely it would be so much clearer to say “go to http://plus.google.com/groups/americasgottalent to talk live about the show”. Tie that into Google TV and suddenly Twitter+Boxee looks less compelling. Hell, tie in Huddle too! And with your Android App running on a Tablet……Awesomeness.


APIs & Platform

We know APIs are coming so I won’t say much other than to re-iterate that People+API is what made Twitter successful. On a personal note I would highlight that there is no Write API for Reviews on Places and this is a big hole that needs to be filled to make the Places+Plus experience seamless.

Other thought on API is that as much as possible should be available without authentication. Give us the Public data to do interesting things with.

In the same way that the APIs created so much opportunity in the Twitter ecosystem, the Facebook Platform is what took them from 20m users to 700m users. I love Facebook’s approach: “Here is the Platform. Here are the APIs. Here are the Rules. Knock yourself out”. 

Facebook has played a genius game of giving businesses control of their Pages and giving users the ability to interact with those Pages. To achieve the same thing, some major changes will be required by Google and a lot of control will have to be ceded by them to businesses on their Places Pages. 

I don’t believe that people trust Facebook Pages less than Google Places pages because Google controls 90% of the content on the Google Places Page. People have judgement. If Goog Places could become an API-driven platform for businesses to interact with their customers via Google Plus, that would be the first major competition to Facebook since they launched their Platform.

It makes zero sense that Goog shows reviews from TA, Yelp, etc etc on a businesses Places Page but that business cannot show its own reviews from its own site there. The answer that “we do what is in the best interest of our users” doesn’t cut it since the users are all over on Facebook interacting with the businesses there. It’s a trust and control issue for Google and feeds into both SERPs and Maps so I know it’s not going to be easy. But eventally they will have to change.


Twitter-Killer or Facebook-Killer?

The same question asked every time a new Google service launches. With a few tweaks, I think G+ could damage Twitter quite badly. Facebook not so much, due to user inertia. But it’s great that Google has created a worthy competitior to these sites. Competition ups everyone’s game. Choice is good.


Yeah of course they are a global multi-$Bn corporation but I do have to say, well done GOOG, great job. 





02 Jul 2011, 20:22

Today I 'Attic-ed' Some Of My Favourite Old Tech

#“Today I \“Attic-ed\” Some Of My Favourite Old Tech”

I did a big clean out of one of our big cubby holes upstairs that held a lot of my old tech from the past few years. Anything that was already of no practical use had been moved to the attic when we originally moved to Cork back in 2004. This stuff was in the “well you never know, I might need it some day”. And of course I never did need it. So the next batch headed to their Toy Story 3 fate in the attic.

As I packed them up, I took pics of some the ones that I have strong memories of. Here they are:

Dell Inspiron 3700. Never the best laptop but travelled the world with me in the early 00s. Bulletproof. Still works. I could not find a Dell latop that had the right mix of price and performance recently. They really seem to have lost the plot.


A generic crappy floppy disk drive. I posted this because if you look closely, you’ll see I bought it from Dabs in 2000. I’ve been a customer for over 11 years. I’ve given them tons of business and referrals and yet their customer service has been completely AWOL over the missing PSU I ordered two weeks ago. If they don’t sort it out asap, I’m never buying from them again.


Palm Tungsten T. A truly wonderful PDA. The best industrial design I’ve ever seen in such a product. Doing what Apple does with the iPhone, a long long time before them


A WinTV video grabber card. How many of these devices have I bought over the years and I never use them to the degree I plan? Hauppauge also write the worst software I have ever used.


Memories of unscrewing the phone wall-plate in a ropey pub B&B in Ely Cambridgeshire in 1998 so I could connect my laptop with crocodile clips at some joke of a speed to grab my mail back in Dublin. We were helping to get the first Toshiba-powered OnDigital box launched. I also figured out how to make this card work with Windows 2000 after Psion told me they wouldn’t support Win2k. Hence it was the last Psion related product I ever bought.


I bought this multimeter around 1984 from Maplin by mail-order so I could build add-on cards for my ZX Spectrum. Still works perfectly. Partially responsible for me doing Electronic Engineering in UCD.


Redhat 8.0 eh? 2003. Cannot remember why I named a machine “bejing”. My first Linux install was Slackware in 1996 when I was in Sunnyvale. A horror to install and configure.


An “Enterprise” level 10Mbs Wifi router. Interesting design, has a removable PCMCIA card in it. I had big plans to use this for that point-to-point wireless community network that people were trying to kick off in 20022003. Never happened. I think these came out around the time 3Com decided they were getting out of the networking business and going to put all their efforts into an Internet Appliance called Audrey. Ahhh, I miss the insanity of the 1998-2001 tech bubble.


Great wee networking card. Back in the day when laptops didn’t have lan ports.


From 1996 to 2006, I bought a lot of gear in the US on my visits. Mainly in Fry’s but also Best Buy and CompUSA. So of course I needed a US power strip.


Bloody Avoca phone. Never liked it :-)


My wonderful Casio FX700G graphing calculator. Bought in a big electronics store on Koenig Strasse in Stuttgart in 1988 when I spent the summer in Esslingen working in an old folks home. This calculator got me through a bunch of exams in UCD. I’m still rubbish at stats tho. I tried powering it up with new batteries today but no joy. Gutted.


Fuji Endeavor APS camera. My last non-digital camera. Solid but not spectacular. Think I got it in the States?


Ahh, who doesn’t have one of these Nokia data cables?


I tried many times to switch to this trackball to deal with my RSI. I never stuck with it tho. I think I got this one in 2002.


My last walkman.

So there you have it. Nothing massively out of the ordinary but still feels odd putting them away. I wonder when my HTC Desire, Kindle and EeePC 701 will have the same fate?