08 May 2011, 17:13

26 Years of Word Processors Missing the Bleedin' Obvious

#“26 Years of Word Processors Missing the Bleedin’ Obvious”

I have used the same basic document layout since I first wrote a school project on a giant ICL dedicated word processor in my Dad's office in 1985. The same layout through Wordperfect 5.1, Word for MSDOS, Word for Windows v1.0-2007, OpenOffice/LibreOffice and Google Docs.

I bet you use the same layout:
  1. Title Page
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Section 1 (with header and footer on all following pages)
  4. Section 1.1
  5. Section 1.1.1
  6. Section 2
  7. Section N
  8. Section N.n
Why then, after 26 years does Microsoft/Google/Sun/Oracle give us a bloody blank template? The template we all use is not even an option in any of them. Clippy never once said: "Oh I see you are trying to write a document with the same structure as everyone else on the planet, will I create a non-tacky template for you?".

By far the worst is OpenOffice/LibreOffice. You have to manually create a numbering structure from scratch to get 1, 1.1 etc on your headings. In 2011. Seriously.

And no LibreOffice, when I hit carriage return at the end of a section heading line, I don't want another line with section heading formatting, I want body-text FFS.

And no Google Docs, when I cut some bullet points and try to paste them further down in the bullet list, I don't want to randomly indent them, I'm trying to bloody move them.

This is basic basic basic stuff. Anyone want to write a word processor that actually works the way humans do?

08 May 2011, 11:57

Reasons Why 2011 is Starting to Feel Like 1999

#“Reasons Why 2011 is Starting to Feel Like 1999”

  • Everyone thinks company X is unbeatable (Microsoft -> Facebook)
  • A major search engine thinks everyone wants a portal (Yahoo/Excite/Lycos/Altavisa -> Google Places)
  • A leading Web Browser releases worst version ever (Internet Explorer 5 -> Firefox 4)
  • A leading OS releases a horrendous cheap knock-off of Mac OS ( Windows 98 SE -> Ubuntu 11.04)
  • Bubble valuations of tech businesses (* -> *)
  • Virtual Currencies are hot (Beenz vs Facebook Credits)
Any other similarities strike you?

05 May 2011, 08:44

21st Century Milkman

#“21st Century Milkman”

We've recently started using a new milkman after a many year gap and I've been thinking a lot about him. Back in the late 80s and early 90s, the co-ops/creameries basically shut down the in-house milkmen and many of them became independent businesses. I had thought it would be a slow inexorable death for them because of price-competition from the big supermarkets. We stopped using the one in Kimmage in the mid-90s because our milk demands were so variable and he only delivered on certain days.

Then this new guy appeared in Bandon and I realised that he's not really a milkman, he's a local delivery man. I think that type of business could have a big future. His core problem, the fact that his milk is wayyyy more expensive than Tesco, is mitigated by all the other things he does and could do. He offers multiple types of milk, eggs, juice and now the Saturday paper. We've signed up for the lot. He recently announced we can pay by EFT!

But this could just be the start. Imagine if he was fully web, SMS and mobile-app enabled? Then add Realex/Worldpay and PayPal. Whatever you needed, within reason, you could order from him, with maybe 6-8 hours notice. Imagine if he didn't just deliver early in the morning but combined that with a slot system like Tesco for later in the day?

People happily pay through the nose for the convenience of a local Spar/Centra/etc vs Tesco prices. Surely they would pay for even more convenience to have things delivered to their door? Hell, he could even buy the stuff in Tesco and still get margin if he was more flexible than them.

Could it be, dare I say it, a workable Webvan model?

04 May 2011, 18:39

Automatically Backup Your WordPress Site to Dropbox

#“Automatically Backup Your WordPress Site to Dropbox”

A new plugin is available that gives you the opportunity to put Dropbox to work for the security of your WordPress site. Heres how you can set up automatic backups of your WordPress site to Dropbox:

Superb idea if you aren't already doing it to Amazon S3 or similar.

Particularly good if the whole area of backups seems like a black art to you. Dropbox will give you 2GB free without a credit card. Do it.

04 May 2011, 18:30

Oi Google, I want my extra free 11.15 ;-)

#“Oi Google, I want my extra free \u008011.15 ;-)”

I bet the email with the 100 mention was sent from Barrow Street. To an Irish-registered AdWords account.

04 May 2011, 07:55

Does Skype hate its customers?

#“Does Skype hate its customers?”

With every new release of Skype it gets slower and slower and buggier and buggier. But that’s not the worst of it. I pay them for both inbound numbers and for a lot of call charges. Yet every damned morning when I get up, this stupid message greets me.

And that’s after un-ticking all of the “of course I want you to try and sell me more shit” boxes.

I’d move to another solution but so many people I communicate with use it now for the free Skype-to-Skype, so I can’t. 

And they obviously know that.

02 May 2011, 14:40

My Ever Decreasing List of Desktop Apps

#“My Ever Decreasing List of Desktop Apps”


I re-set up a PC last week and installed all of my most-used apps. The list gets shorter and shorter each year as I move everything online. Here's a snapshot of the bulk of them (MS Office implied of course).

27 Apr 2011, 17:46

Google Docs on Android is Here

#“Google Docs on Android is Here”

I seem to spend half my life in Google Docs. Now I can spend the other half.

14 Apr 2011, 13:53

The Happy Foot Co is feeding my #VFFs Addiction

#“The Happy Foot Co is feeding my #VFFs Addiction”

It’s ridiculous I know. I average one pair of new footwear every two years. I wear shoes until they fall apart and then I buy one more pair. That’s now utterly changed.

I bought my Vibram Five Fingers Bikilas exactly one month ago. Running on a treadmill with them is genuinely like having new legs. Unfortunately, like a fool, I ran on the road only two weeks in and I’m still suffering with a pain in one foot. But I’m a convert and an evangelist already.

The one downside - they stink and washing only helps for a day or two. I wanted to wear them all the time.

Tuesday I was in Dublin and after a really interesting mobile tech workshop, I wandered down to The Happy Foot Co on Liffey Street, off Henry Street. I remembered that the last shop I went into on Liffey St was Hector Gray’s when I was a kid.

The Happy Foot Co shop is amazing. Loads of different types of VFFs and a bajillion pairs of Crocs. I’ll be bringing the kids back soon to get their summer Crocs.

The two ladies running the place could not have been more helpful. They even offered to post down any pair that they didn’t have in stock. I wanted a pair for general day to day use that wouldn’t look too freakish. I tried on a few types including one of their new ones made of kangaroo skin. Sooooo soft.

In the end, I went with the KSO, the most popular men’s model. They are incredibly comfortable and equally good in a meeting or on a mountain (allegedly). They go beautifully with Black Tie, Pinstripe, Jeans, Shorts, Speedos or Thongs. I intend to try them in all those scenarios.


I’ve been doing a bit of reading on VFFs and it looks like I’m doing the same thing as all n00bies; I’m running almost on the balls of my feet because of everything we’ve been told about heel-strikes being bad. One blogger likened it to looking like a bizarre ballerina. Of course I’ve been told many times of my striking resemblance to the Black Swan, ignoring my bigger boobs and my opposite eating disorder.



Two pairs of shoes in a month and I’m already thinking about a pair of Classics instead of flip-flops for my summer holidays. Next thing I’ll be watching Project Runway.

13 Apr 2011, 16:48

Multiple Skype Accounts on one PC

#“Multiple Skype Accounts on one PC”

How the hell am I only hearing about this now?

"C:Program FilesSkypePhoneSkype.exe" /secondary

Would still prefer if it was like all the decent chat clients out there and had multi-accounts built into one UI.