04 Feb 2011, 13:30

Facebook Places Check-ins in Ireland really kicking off

#“Facebook Places Check-ins in Ireland really kicking off”

Over the past few months, I've watched Facebook Places functionality get closer and closer to properly live for those of us in Ireland.

We geeks initially used VPNs on our phones to spoof that we were in the US so we could check-in in Ireland. Then I spotted the FB Ireland people checking in here.

More recently the Android App stopped giving an error and showed check-ins here.

Now today it's like everyone found it at the same time! My Facebook feed has tons of Irish check-ins.

So how quickly before everyone starts bitching about it like they did with FarmVille updates?

Of course I won't be happy until they turn on Facebook Deals in Starbucks at Cork Airport.

The question is now whether I'll bother my arse doing my usual 4SQ+Gowalla check-ins? Without special offers local to me, they just can't compete with FB.

26 Jan 2011, 20:30

Introducing 'Curation by Me' - A simple tool to filter Twitter Lists

#“Introducing \“Curation by Me\” - A simple tool to filter Twitter Lists”

Sometimes you have to stop blogging and you have to start coding to scratch a persistent intellectual itch. Last week I said I needed self-curated news for the Irish General Election. This week I have it.

Curation by Me is an incredibly simple tool I lashed together (using the Programming by Google Search method) over the past two nights. It takes the URL of a Twitter list and a hashtag/keyword to provide you with a filtered list of tweets.

By default it shows a simple list I made of Irish politics related tweets and shows those tagged with the #ge11 hashtag (used to identify Irish Election tweets):


Here’s an example using Suzy Byrne’s list of Irish Election Candidates filtered by the word “Martin” to show those tweets mentioning the name of the new leader of Fianna Fáil:


But of course it’s not just for politics; any list or filter can be used. The only proviso is that you have to login with your Twitter account to use it, due to Twitter rate limiting.

Maybe I’m the only person on the planet who needs Curation by Me. Even if I am, the itch has been scratched. Would love your feedback, problem reports, thoughts and suggestions.


23 Jan 2011, 19:29

Why does Posterous multiply my pageviews by 22?

#“Why does Posterous multiply my pageviews by 22?”

Looking at your stats in Posterous could lead one to be very cocky indeed. Unfortunately they are complete cobblers. That curation one I posted 20 minutes ago supposedly has 226 views already. Here is what Posterous says about one of my recent posts and then what Google Analytics says.

Why the spoof numbers?

23 Jan 2011, 19:16

I need self-curated news for the Irish General Election #ge11

#“I need self-curated news for the Irish General Election #ge11”

So I'm lashing together a quick General Election list on Twitter for my Dad to follow. He's not on Twitter but he loves politics and I think he'd get a kick out of it. I started with some of the obvious MSM accounts and then some peopleI know who are interested in politics. Then I looked at some of their lists. I've put a simple one together that I think he'll like. It's nowhere near finished yet but it's a start.

Except of course it has a huge problem. It shows everything those people are tweeting. Every inanity, every irrelevant detail. What I need is the intersection of that list and the #ge11 hashtag. There is no way I wouldrecommendhe follows the hashtag if he wants to keep his sanity. 50,000 people all bitching about the same thing at the same time is not interesting to anyone.

So does such a webapp or desktop app exist? If not, why not? It's another Twitter app I would pay for.

And if it could pull in Wall updates from Facebook Pages of politicians etc, that would be worth even more!

Am I the only one on Twitter who needs these kind of tools (like all my Filter requests) or is the perception that the money lies elsewhere?

23 Jan 2011, 12:39

Hexapod Monster great - apart from the soldering

#“Hexapod Monster great - apart from the soldering”

One of the pressies that Santy gave to our 11 y/o son was a Hexapod Monster robot. It’s a self-assembly kit that should result in a robot that can walk around and avoid obstacles. The youngfella has had plenty of experience building ever more complex Lego so this looked like a good next step before perhaps considering Lego Mindstorms.

Once we looked at the kit, we realised he couldn’t do it on his own and I’d have to help. Specifically, what sounded like a couple of quick solder joints on the box was actually a full circuit board that had to be put together.

We made a good team with him taking care of the mechanical assembly and me doing the soldering. It took 3-4 hours before we had it in a decent state. We checked the basic mechanics by applying battery power directly to the leg motors and a few tweaks were needed. Then we did the final electrical assembly and IT LIVES. Except it only did so for a few seconds and then stopped.

It has sat there for the past few weeks with me going at it to no avail. Sometimes it moves, sometimes it moves on one side and goes around in circles but most of the time it sits there sullen and immobile like a teenager.

It’s obvious that my crappy soldering is to blame and therein lies the problem. I have a Masters Degree in Electronic Engineering. My soldering iron is nearly 30 years old because that’s when I started soldering for the first time (ZX Spectrum add-ons) but even I struggled to get all of those components on correctly without either shorting connections or melting the components.

Soldering is not a skill anyone really needs or wants unless they are totally hardcore into hardware. The only thing it teaches smaller kids is that it burns when you accidentally touch your finger.

The Hexapod is a cool project that could be interesting to a much wider range of children. My 7 y/o daughter sat and watched us doing the assembly for the entire time. So they just need to junk the soldering and replace it with some sort of component push-in system. A custom breadboard thingy I guess. As it stands I can’t recommend it to anyone except those who are very familiar with the inside of Maplin.


20 Jan 2011, 17:20

From Zero to Web2Ireland using Wordpress on Digital Mines in 15 mins

#“From Zero to Web2Ireland using Wordpress on Digital Mines in 15 mins”

We decided to move Web2Ireland.org over to Digital Mines for AWS hosting. I’m a big fan of how easy Digital Mines has made the deployment of Amazon servers. I thought it might be useful to show the steps to get a Wordpress blog up and running with such a setup. 

Note this doesn’t include the incredibly simple steps to sign-up for Digital Mines itself and to click “Deploy” to get your server. All of the steps below were carried out in Putty on Windows connected by SSH to the deployed server.
  • Setup Apache, MySQL and PHP
    sudo tasksel
    Select LAMP server
    Give a root password for MySQL when asked
  • Create directory for Wordpress
    cd /var/www
    sudo mkdir vhosts
    cd vhosts/
    sudo mkdir blahblahblah.com
    cd blahblahblah.com
  • Get and uncompress Wordpress
    sudo wget http://wordpress.org/latest.zip
    sudo apt-get install unzip
    sudo unzip latest.zip
    sudo rm latest.zip
    sudo chown -R www-data.www-data *
    cd wordpress/
    sudo mv * ..
    cd ..
    sudo rm -rf wordpress/
  • Create a database for Wordpress
    mysql -u root -p
    create database blahblah;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON blahblah.* TO “blahblahuser”@“localhost” IDENTIFIED BY “blahblahpassword”;quit;
  • Tell Wordpress about the Database
    sudo cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
    sudo vim wp-config.php
    Edit the database details in that file
  • Configure Apache
    cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
    sudo cp 000-default blahblahblah.com
    sudo rm 000-default
    sudo vim blahblahblah.com 
    <VirtualHost *:80>  
    ServerAdmin conor@blahblah.com
    ServerName blahblahblah.com

    ServerAlias www.blahblahblah.com

    DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/blahblahblah.com

    <Directory />

    Options FollowSymLinks

    AllowOverride None


    <Directory /var/www/vhosts/blahblahblah.com>

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny allow from all

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log

    # alert, emerg.

    LogLevel warn

    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

  • Setup URL rewriting 
    sudo vim /var/www/vhosts/blahblahblah.com/.htaccess
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule>

    sudo a2enmod rewrite
    sudo service apache2 restart
  • Install APC for improved performance
    sudo apt-get install php-apc
    cd /etc/php5/conf.d
    sudo vim apc.ini
  • Restart Apache sudo service apache2 restart
Outside of that we had to:
  • Move DNS servers from old provider to DNSMadeEasy 
  • Add an entry to AuthSMTP to handle email sending
  • Do a Database Import/Export from existing Web2Ireland server
  • Copy over theme files and old uploads from existing Web2Ireland server
Obviously you want to install other performance doo-dahs like Donncha’s WP-Supercache too. 


If you want to know the couple of steps to get Putty talking to your server, let me know in the comments.

19 Jan 2011, 10:55

Can anyone remember the name of this phone testing tool?

#“Can anyone remember the name of this phone testing tool?”



I’ve had this for over ten years. It’s a brilliant phone-line testing tool with some other bits. I’ve lost the instructions and would love to know what the other bits are for. But for the life of me I cannot remember what it is called.

Anyone? Google Goggles was completely useless.


17 Jan 2011, 16:40

I look a bit like a mentalist with this Standing Desk setup

#“I look a bit like a mentalist with this Standing Desk setup”


After talking about it a few times over the past few months, I finally decided to try working whilst standing today. The buzz around the idea on Twitter today presumably came from Gina's post on Lifehacker. Well worth a read.

I am going for the environmentally friendly (aka zero cost) option of two cardboard boxes to implement my Standing Desk. Amazingly it is working really well and the boxes are at exactly the right level. The pressure on my wrists was immediately relieved. Hopefully the RSI in my right arm, which has left two of my fingers numb for six months, will finally ease.

It's a bit hard on the feet/legs but in a useful way since it forces me to move around on my feet as I type. I've been standing for the past five hours or so and I don't feel any real need to sit down. I'm even taking calls whilst standing. My guess is that my intermittent treadmill training is helping me here.

The only change I may make is to raise the monitor. Right now it is at the normal level but tilted up towards me.

My only worry is that my gorgeous legs could be ruined by varicose veins. My career as a leg model could go up in smoke. I switched to lightweight Asics runners after lunch. Probably better for my feet.

16 Jan 2011, 21:10

O2 HSDPA with 19% signal faster than 7Mbs Eircom ADSL at night in Ireland

#“O2 HSDPA with 19% signal faster than 7Mbs Eircom ADSL at night in Ireland”

I despair.

16 Jan 2011, 19:22

Tweetcaster - First Twitter Android App with Decent Filters

#“Tweetcaster - First Twitter Android App with Decent Filters”


As opposed to Decency Filters :-)

I've only just started playing with the feature and amazingly, it isn't just the best implementation on a mobile, it's the best implementation anywhere.

Your can mute people, hashtags or keywords.

Tweetdeck, Seesmic et al should be ashamed of themselves for the lack of progress in this area on the desktop.

Speaking of which there is a Chrome plugin for Twitter which does filtering called Slipstream. I tried it out but it only allows one exact word/phrase per filter and only works on twitter.com. Worth a look tho if that's all you need.