16 Sep 2010, 09:38

Google Buzz Team Nearly Gets It Right

#“Google Buzz Team Nearly Gets It Right”

The single most important feature missing from Buzz since the day it launched is the ability to hide all the Twitter/Friendfeed/Flickr/Reader/Whatever auto-imports that everyone was doing. When you strip away all of that time-delayed crap you could get to the heart of the service. 

They have just announced that you can now mute per source per person. For which they should be applauded. 7 months later. 7 months after I and a ton of other people banged on and on and on and on about it. But of course they had to leave out the real feature we wanted “Turn off Twitter Globally” “Turn off Friendfeed Globally”. C’mon, man-up and accept that it isn’t working as a cess-pit of bot imports.


But because I have always wanted the service to work (tough love guys, tough love) I am now going to disable all of the services for all of the people I follow, one by one, just to see how many are actually using Buzz. People who are actually there, not their bots. From a group of approx 160 people, I’m predicting 4-5.

The service should always have been check-in integration and discussion built on top of Google Places. And that functionality is there on Android, albeit totally unknown by 99% of users.

In the meantime hallloooooooo Facebook Places.



15 Sep 2010, 14:00

Accessing Amazon RDS Instances from your Desktop

#“Accessing Amazon RDS Instances from your Desktop”

Whilst we are huge fans of the Amazon RDS database service (particularly the Multi-AZ setup), one thing that can be a problem is accessing your databases from the desktop. The standard trick of running an SSH tunnel to your EC2 instance doesn’t work here. 

After much searching I found the following on an AWS discussion forum and it works perfectly:

ssh-add YourKey.pem
ssh -l <username> -L 33060:<ec2_rfc_ip>:3306 -N <ext_hostname> 

Then connect your local MySQL client to localhost, port 33060 

<username> is the login user on the EC2 instance from where you normally access the RDS MySQL DB. <ec2_rfc_ip> is the RDS instance’s IP address and <ext_hostname> is the external hostname of one of your EC2 instances. 

A couple of notes:
  1. You have to use the internal AWS IP address of the RDS instance, not its name or its external IP
  2. We’ve only tested it on an Ubuntu desktop running inside VirtualBox on Windows
  3. It works fine with the MySQL GUI tools
  4. We haven’t been able to figure out how to do it directly with Putty on Windows. Anyone know how?

10 Sep 2010, 13:12

Our House Media Sharing Setup

#“Our House Media Sharing Setup”


I was asked on Facebook the other day what our media sharing setup was in the house. So I did a diagram. The core machine is a pretty low-end self-build PC but with a kick-ass 512MB Video Card with HDMI output. It has all our movies and TV on 2.5TB of storage and then all the other machines in the house access that media over Wifi or Gigabit LAN. That machine runs Boxee which we use to watch all our media on a bog-standard LCD TV. The PC is more than capable of streaming movies to multiple XBOXes, PCs and Wiis simultaneously without breaking a sweat.

UPDATE: Slightly tweaked diagram after the comment from James.


08 Sep 2010, 20:04

How to browse Windows 7 shares from Ubuntu when it suddenly stops working

#“How to browse Windows 7 shares from Ubuntu when it suddenly stops working”

We share out a lot of our home media from a Windows 7 desktop. That media is streamed to a variety Windows PCs, Kid's Ubuntu PCs/Laptops and XBMC-based XBoxes. Recently we were suddenly unable to access the shares from Ubuntu or XBMC but all was still fine from the Windows PCs. And those PCs had no problem sharing to Ubuntu/XMBC.

Multiple attempts at fiddling with Windows sharing settings and umpteen Googles revealed nothing. Until last night.

I sawsome mention onlineof issues with Microsoft Live Sign-In Assistant. I have a bunch of Live stuff installed on the problematic machine and even tho it looked like a long shot, I uninstalled all of it.


It turns out that they have added some overlays to the standard Windows Login when you install Live and that breaks Samba.

Looks like I'm back using Picasa for photos. I really liked the Live Movie Editor tho so I'm not sure what to do there.

31 Aug 2010, 10:02

Could UberCab work in Ireland?

#“Could UberCab work in Ireland?”

UberCab contracts with black car services mostly Towncars and Escalades. Theres a lot of unused inventory in those businesses and they are happy to work with someone who eats up that inventory. As a user you download an iPhone app (I have it on my iPad) and add your credit card information (thats the last time you ever have to deal with that). When you want a car to pick you up you hit a button. The app knows where you are and finds a car and driver nearby. The driver accepts via his/her own iPhone app, and you then get to watch them come to you on a map with a pretty darn good estimate of the number of minutes it will take for them to get there. When they arrive you get in the car and tell the driver where you want to go. When you get there you see the charges and accept them, which are then billed to your credit card, tip included. A receipt is emailed to you. And then each side gets to rate the other I love the fact that the driver rates the passenger, too.

This is an absolutely genius idea. What would the drivers need in Ireland? A hackney licence I'm guessing? Or even that?

We were once charged 70 to take a cab from Cork to Bandon (27km). Never ever again. But since there is a constant flow of cars between the two locations, I'm sure plenty of people would happily make a few extra quid on the side by signing up for this.

The rating system would hopefully deal with concerns that women might have about getting into a car with a stranger. They would only use UberCabs that have a lot of very positive ratings.

Pipedream or actually possible here?

27 Aug 2010, 09:03

Another reason to love Boxee on your TV

#“Another reason to love Boxee on your TV”

Today were adding the foundations of a new Movie Library to complement the TV Show Library. This new Movie Library includes thousands of films from four great launch partners: EZTakes, Indie Movies Online, MUBI* and Openfilm. Most of these movies are available for free (supported by ads).  Explore each services catalogue using the filter by provider option on the Movie Library sidebar.

So Boxee now has thousands of movies you would never otherwise find or see and they are helping to promote and support the independent movie industry. I'll be installing the upgrade this evening.

Or you can buy whatever shiny TV toy his Steve-ness announces soon and give him your money instead.

23 Aug 2010, 07:52

Getting OpenVPN working on Android

#“Getting OpenVPN working on Android”

There are many uses for a VPN and they are generally very easy to setup on desktop computers. The experience with phones can be variable. iPhone is a doddle but Android is a horror (see my last post). The built-in PPTN VPN is utterly broken and does not work over 3G at all or for more than a few minutes on Wifi. The steps to get an alternative working on a HTC Desire are as follows:

  1. Brace yourself
  2. Install Windows OpenVPN and get it working on your PC with your VPN provider
  3. Root your Android phone. If you don't know how to do this, stop reading now.
  4. Replace the standard ROM with the latest community Froyo. Either Cyanogen 6.0 Nightly or DeFroST are good(I use DeFroST). OpenDesire does not seem to work in the later steps of this process and I haven't had a chance to try any of the Modaco ones with Sense still enabled.
  5. Install the Google Apps add-on too if your ROM doesn't include them.
  6. In Android Market, install the "OpenVPN Settings App"
  7. Note this is not the same as the OpenVPN Settings Page in Network->Settings. I wasted a ridiculous amount of time trying to get Cert files etc working there. Avoid it. That settings page is the source of most of the confusion around OpenVPN on all the forums. I'm sure there is a use for it if you have your own keys/certs etc but not for generic VPN users.
  8. Copy the config directory from C:Program FilesOpenVPN (including the sub-dir) on your PC to a directory like openvpn on the SD Card on your phone
  9. Go to that OpenVPN Settings App you installed
  10. Tell it where you have stored the config files and it should show you the configurations you copied from the PC
  11. Tap on the config you want and all going well, it will connect for you
  12. You are in business!
  13. I've noticed that it sometimes disconnects after a minute or so and then reconnects and stays solid after that.
  14. All of the above works on both WiFi and 3G

So Google, any ETA on fixing all those built-in VPN bugs?

22 Aug 2010, 15:51

Android not suitable for the Enterprise?

#“Android not suitable for the Enterprise?”

I'm been trying and failing to get two features working on Android over the weekend: VPN and Proxy. A ton of googling revealed that both are utterly broken and have been since V1.0 of Android. Whilst my use-case is trivial (getting Facebook Places working outside of the US), the much bigger use case is a much bigger deal: the Enterprise.

I have read tons of posts with people pulling their hair out as they either cannot get these features working or can't get them working reliably. Even worse, lots of people have returned their Android phones since they simply don't work in an Enterprise setting.

The problems are as follows:

  1. PPTP VPN - Works intermittently over WiFi, doesn't work at all over mobile data.
  2. Android VPN in general not compatible with Cisco VPNs
  3. OpenVPN (community effort) requires PKCS12 files for the security bit. Cannot get this working with a generic VPN provider.
  4. There is NO, you heard me, NO support for web proxies in Android. This is incredible for a modern OS. You can find some hacks for basic HTTP proxies on rooted phones and Cyanogen has built this into his latest ROMs but there is no support anywhere for SOCKS proxies.
  5. You can use Mozilla Fennec as your web-browser if you need SOCKS but only if you want your 1GHz phone to run at the speed of treacle and have the browser hang constantly.
It begs the question, how do Google employees access the Google network on their phones?

20 Aug 2010, 18:54

Facebook Places is a Total Winner

#“Facebook Places is a Total Winner”


I've been saying it for months, but Social Check-in will be owned by Facebook and Google. Startups that didn't take M&A offers from them are completely deluded. This is not a "we could be the next Twitter" scenario. Now that I've seen Facebook Places in action, I believe that even more

I finally managed to get Places working by saying I was in Palo Alto and connecting to http://touch.facebook.com on my Android phone over a U.S. VPN (or maybe someone in Facebook was just very nice to me :-) ). I created the LouderVoice "spot" and then checked in. It used the location feature of HTML5 in the browser to figure out where I was. Trivial to do and fully integrated into my normal day to day Facebook usage.

No more "close Facebook, open Foursquare, check-in, close Foursquare, open Facebook".

Just Facebook.

Our Places page looks like the attached picture. and the only glitch I've noticed is that the "Is this your business" feature (see AllFacebook.com for more details) is not there. I wonder is this because we are outside of the U.S. and they don't actually have address/contact info for us, just GPS co-ordinates?

More updates as I explore.

19 Aug 2010, 08:44

Very quick thoughts on Facebook Places

#“Very quick thoughts on Facebook Places”

  1. U.S. Only to start with. Grrrrrrrrrr
  2. Mobile-Web-based for most which is fine
  3. iPhone before Android. Grrrrrr.
  4. Facebook Pages are not the sames as Places Pages. That's a bit odd. Surely the intersection of a Page's Fans (or Likers or whatever they are called now) and people who check-in is really powerful? Or is it that you have one Starbucks Page but you need 400,000 Starbucks Places Pages? Which makes sense I guess.
  5. But it does mean every business starting all over again from scratch building a "fan-base". And on which one do Fans hang out and where do the companies interact with fans? Or will Pages start being deprecated in favour of Places Pages? Given that you can now advertise either on Facebook.
  6. Haven't been able to claim our business yet (later today?)
  7. This is gonna be huge. And I don't care what anyone says about pure-play check-in Apps like 4SQ or Gowalla. Unless they have something else, utterly unique, to build on top of this, they are dead-meat.