02 Jul 2010, 07:47

And now for the Woot 'We Got Acquired By Amazon' Rap Video

#“And now for the Woot \“We Got Acquired By Amazon\” Rap Video”

Yes we should have hated it but we didn't, we laughed and wished we could do the same.

01 Jul 2010, 15:41

Woot CEO writes greatest post-acquisition employee email of all time

#“Woot CEO writes greatest post-acquisition employee email of all time”

We think now is the right time to join with Amazon because, quite simply, every company that becomes a subsidiary gets two free downloads until the end of July, and we very much need that new thing with Trent Reznors wife on our iPods.

Some day, some day, I want to write an email as utterly brilliant as this.

"This is definitely an emotional day for me. The feelings Im experiencing are similar to what I felt in college on graduation day: excitement about getting a check from my folks combined with nausea from a hellacious bender the night before."

01 Jul 2010, 15:12

Wow, Symbian-Guru give up on Nokia, goes Android

#“Wow, Symbian-Guru give up on Nokia, goes Android”

Anyone with the slightest interest in the mobile industry should read his goodbye post, which is a scathing analysis of why Nokia and Symbian are in the corner where punches are being served.

It's one thing for a nobody like me to walk away from a decade of Nokia ownership. But when the guy who wrote _the_ must-read Symbian blog gives up, then Nokia have a massive problem on their hands.

Every day I use my HTC Desire I find new neat features I wasn't aware of. I just can't see Nokia having the will to leapfrog past everyone to create the ultimate mobile experience. Too much baggage.

Having said that, they did it before when they used to make loo-roll, so I hope I'm wrong.

01 Jul 2010, 10:02

Old Spice Man is back and he's fabulous

Making these ads is definitely the greatest job ever.

28 Jun 2010, 13:30

How do you hold your Nokia?

#“How do you hold your Nokia?”

One of the main things weve found about the 1 billion plus Nokia devices that are in use today is that when making a phone call, people generally tend to hold their phone like a. well, like a phone

I think I'm starting to love Nokia all over again. Genius post.

27 Jun 2010, 10:58

My First Sugru Hack. The ELC Toy Train Track.

#“My First Sugru Hack. The ELC Toy Train Track.”

It ain’t pretty but dammit, it worked. I’m an instant convert to the cult of Sugru. Wandering around the house looking for things to fix!

The Opening:

The Moulding:

The Result:

The Pictures:

4 year-old Fionn has announced himself satisfied with his fixed track. His 3 year-old sister is asking why there is playdoh on his track.

27 Jun 2010, 10:48

Stung by criticism of the new iPhone, Steve Jobs opens a new Apple store in Palo Alto

#“Stung by criticism of the new iPhone, Steve Jobs opens a new Apple store in Palo Alto”


25 Jun 2010, 07:42

The return of Sidetalking or Cocked Pinkies?

#“The return of Sidetalking or Cocked Pinkies?”

After Nokia fails in 2005, Apple shows how to get people to hold their phones right with the new iPhone.

How do you hold yours?

23 Jun 2010, 07:22

Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Gowalla and Latitude

#“Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Gowalla and Latitude”

The latest version of Google Maps has some upgrades to Latitude, the service no-one has ever heard of, or uses. The main new feature is "Suggested Friends" where it trawls your GMail and Google Apps accounts for people you know who are on Latitude.

Prior to this I had all of 6 people I was connected to on Latitude.

What did it come up with for me? Someone who has been using GMail for 5 years and has emailed thousands of people?

4 more.

Let's compare to my connections on some of the other Location based services:
  • Twitter - 628 (me following)
  • Facebook - 275 (Location being worked on right now, straight from the Zuck's mouth on Monday)
  • Foursquare - 177
  • Gowalla - 46
Even Gowalla, who I think needs to get an exit fast as they are becoming an also-ran, is way beyond where Latitude is at.

Why Latitude even exists with the advent of Buzz I'll never understand.

Why Buzz hasn't been done properly on Maps I will equally never understand.


LBS will be totally owned by Facebook as soon as they roll it out. Which gives Google maybe 6 months to get their act together with Buzz. Drop the Friendfeed-style nonsense, take the best bits of Maps, fully integrate Buzz there with Places and offers, job done.

19 Jun 2010, 15:40

'Anchor Made by Cows' is the work of an evil genius

#”\“Anchor Made by Cows\” is the work of an evil genius”

A country version of Paradise City. I should hate it with every cell of my body but I can't.