19 Jun 2010, 10:00

And so the countdown to Twitter suspension begins

#“And so the countdown to Twitter suspension begins”


But it had to be done. I'm stunned the username was still available.

The question is, who am I impersonating?

Bring back @madam_editor

19 Jun 2010, 09:39

Can't we do threaded conversations on Twitter now?

#“Can’t we do threaded conversations on Twitter now?”

I just saw this TechCruch story on how threaded conversations might be coming to Twitter. It set me thinking. Why can't this be done now with any of the decent desktop clients like Tweetdeck once they add support for the new annotations feature?

Every tweet gets an annotation like twitter:thread=0978098098098093434 and as long as you specifically reply to an individual tweet, then your reply gets the same annotation. Then you cluster them together. Or am I missing something?

We've had machine-tags (aka annotations) in the LouderVoice API since 2008. For something that on the surface looks very simple, it really gives incredible power. You can add unlimited metadata to any review and thenretrievebased on any of that data. Really looking forward to kicking the tyres on the same in Twitter in the coming months.

16 Jun 2010, 19:28

Amazing Swype Virtual Keyboard for Android (better quality video)

#“Amazing Swype Virtual Keyboard for Android (better quality video)”

If you have a more modern Android device like the Nexus One or HTC Desire, you need Swype

11 Jun 2010, 17:08

Honestly, this World Cup TweetDeck Filter is so good, I will never see this post

#“Honestly, this World Cup TweetDeck Filter is so good, I will never see this post”

After much feedback from people and some cunningly slipped-through tweets, this filter seems to be 100% solid for removing every Tweet, Facebook update, Buzz buzzinga, Foursquare update and LinkedIn update on TweetDeck. It'll also remove a certain percentage of totally unrelated tweets but that's the price of mental peace. How many weeks is this kick-about due to last anyway?

tournament, match, draw, sides, pundit, commentator, team, worldcup, ghana, ivory coast, footie, ref, referee, kick off, whistle, rugby, wimbledon, gaa, crystal swing, wc2010, wc10, world cup, soccer, football, championship, game, fifa, south africa, sport, sporting, diving, foul, offside, goal, penalty, vuvuzela, matches,Uruguay, South Korea, Argentina, Algeria, Slovenia, Serbia

11 Jun 2010, 09:46

Tweetdeck World Cup Filter - You're Welcome

#“Tweetdeck World Cup Filter - You’re Welcome”

This is working pretty well so far:

footie, ref, referee, kickoff, whistle, rugby, wimbledon, gaa, crystal swing, wc2010, wc10, world cup, soccer, football, championship, game, fifa, south africa, sport, sporting, diving, foul, offside, goal, penalty

Any more suggestions for me?

10 Jun 2010, 10:26

One of the many reasons I love Zoho CRM

#“One of the many reasons I love Zoho CRM”

  1. Get cold inbound enquiry by email
  2. Add the Lead's details to Zoho CRM (soon to have that automated if via our web-site)
  3. The full Google Apps Gmail thread appears in Zoho.
  4. Assign the Lead to Sales person who is notified
  5. Full automatedtraceabilityfrom initial contact to sale
  6. Love it!

09 Jun 2010, 17:59

Some HTC Desire Problems

#“Some HTC Desire Problems”

I’ve had the Desire for a while now and generally I’m a huge fan. Best phone I’ve ever owned. But there are some big glitches which drive me mad and a lot of them arerelatedto the RF bits.

In noparticularorder:

  • Loses ability to connect to known+remembered Wifi access points and I have to disable/re-enable Wifi to get it to work. Particularly annoying when you were relying on it to download the lastest podcasts overnight and it couldn’t.
  • Loses ability to communicate over mobile data if it has spent a long time going in and out of poor signal area. Reboot needed.
  • Wifi interferes with A2DP Bluetooth audio streaming to my car stereo (audio cuts out for 1 second every 10 seconds). Must be disabled. Yes I could use an audio cable but if I am alsochargingthe phone, the electrical noise of the car comes out through the stereo.
  • Speaking of which, are there car cigarette lighter noise filters?
  • Actual RF performance not as good as any Nokia. Have to re-send SMS multiple times in location where Nokia will squeeze it out.
  • All of the above problems were in the old G1 as well so it’s a systematic problem with HTC
  • If I am playing a podcast it will often signal an inbound call by randomly playing a song on the phone. This is one of the most confusing things to ever happen to me, particularly since I was driving and also because it didn’t pause the podcast!
  • Crashes fairly regularly if I use a lot of Wifi/3G/Bluetooth over a few days
  • Trashed my SDCard and I had to reformat it
  • None of that last three happened with the Cyanogen community firmware on the G1
  • The phone is totally locked down unlike its almost perfect clone, the Nexus One. So it is proving very difficult for it to be rooted so that community firmware can be used on it. Why do you care HTC? Particularly since Google makes it easy on the Nexus One. Would you not like some great community patches to become part of your offering?
  • The camera is pretty shite. Fine for static stuff but don’t dare move. Not a patch on the old N95-8GB
  • Battery life is hilariously bad. I could see the battery level race to zero in realtime as I streamed a podcast over 3G and listened to it with A2DP headphones. An extreme example I know but the phone became almost too hot to handle! Luckily, unlike the iPhone, you can replace the battery so I have 3.
  • The back cover isdefinitelygoing to become loose with the number of times I have to take it off to replace the battery.
  • GPS went completely mental today. Decided I was in Banteer when I was actually 150 miles away in Dublin. And this was with it claiming full GPS lock. Needless to say, the otherwise excellent Navigation was pretty useless today.
  • Why do I need to press a physical button and then swipe the screen to unlock it every bloody time?
  • The answer-call/ignore-call swipe thing is idiotic. Red and Green screen buttons please.

So that’s the bad stuff. Plenty of good stuff coming tomorrow or Friday.

08 Jun 2010, 09:32

I don't think it's possible to love Jane Lynch more than I do now

#“I don’t think it’s possible to love Jane Lynch more than I do now”

Clusterbombs going off in my pants.

08 Jun 2010, 08:54

I propose Mike @Arrington for the position of CTO of Ireland

#“I propose Mike @Arrington for the position of CTO of Ireland”

If the government wants to help innovation in this country they should get busy with infrastructure. Lay fiber to every home and business in the U.S. Actually start building some of these high speed train networks to make travel easier. Get computers into the hands of every child in the country as soon as they are physically able to press buttons. Heck, put a woman on the moon. I dont know if that last one will do much, but at least theyll be busy not screwing up Silicon Valley while theyre at it.

Wonderful piece by Mike. The paragraph above is the most important and applies 100x in Ireland.

I know Mike is moving to Seattle but I'm sure we could get him to holiday in Cork and be Ireland's part-time CTO?

In contrast with the Valley, given the dire state of venture funding in Ireland, some State intervention has been required.

I'm pleased to see that some of the activities by Enterprise Ireland in the funding space over the past 2 years are starting to work. Kernel Capital is finally executing well on its seed fund now that a minimum deal flow has been mandated. I hope to see the same from Enterprise Equity. I also believe a new non-seed-fund has just closed.

Des Doyle gave a great opening talk at a session in Enterprise Ireland last week. He was scathing about Irish banks and how they have de-skilled over the past ten years. If senior people in State Bodies are taking off the gloves and calling it like it is, then there is hope for us yet.

So Minister Eamonn Ryan, stop playing with little dinky electric milk floats and put your efforts where it can have a material effect on the lives of more than just South Dublin middle-class commuters in their Priuses.

The Minister, along with Batt O'Keeffe and the Taoiseach should put a call into Mike. Then follow that with a call to Irishman Tim O'Reilly so he can explain what Government 2.0 is.

07 Jun 2010, 20:25

The key things you need to know about the new IOS 4

#“The key things you need to know about the new IOS 4”


Known to most people as Ireland Over Seas, IOS 4.0 has both tequila slammers and jaegerbombs in every B&B.