20 May 2010, 10:06

Google VP8 Video and current Phones. What's the story?

#“Google VP8 Video and current Phones. What’s the story?”

Quick one on VP8. i'm thrilled Google have done this since the whole MPEG LA thing hanging over h.264 was worryin a lot of people.


A lot of PC video cards and more importantly, smartphones, now have h.264 hardware decoders so they can play the video without melting the main CPU.

Are those decoders hardwired to the h.264 algorithms or will they also be able to handle VP8?

If they can't handle VP8, has Google made an entire generation of Android phonesobsoleteovernight?

19 May 2010, 09:07

Google I/O - Expect lots of news

#“Google I/O - Expect lots of news”

Moscone West, the site of Google I/O 2010. Some things that it may be useful to know:

I'll be glued to YouTube this evening.

Of course, like every other night, Eircom DSL will go to shit at 7pm, just as it starts getting interesting.

19 May 2010, 08:55

Facebook Puts a Wooden Stake Through Orkut's Heart

#“Facebook Puts a Wooden Stake Through Orkut’s Heart”

Its initial rollout is through 50 mobile operators in 45 countries, mostly developing countries. This is an exciting outreach to frequently neglected and mobile-dependent information cultures around the world.

Finally the phrase "Orkut is very big in Brazil" will start to fade away.

This is a genius move. Pity Ireland is not included for all those hundreds of thousands of PAYG phone owners who don't have data plans.

18 May 2010, 10:02

The scary thing is, you know someone in Google is testing this

#“The scary thing is, you know someone in Google is testing this”

New Google Phone Service Whispers Targeted Ads Directly Into Users’ Ears

Android phones could become free with new Google Whisper Ads.

Last few seconds about the Yahoo YPhone even funnier “expected in 3-4 years”.

Hat-tip @keithd1998

14 May 2010, 11:06

I told ya Anssi Vanjoki was da man

#“I told ya Anssi Vanjoki was da man”

Nokia Oyj has chosen Anssi Vanjoki, an outspoken executive who produced its last hit smartphone three years ago, to bring back the buzz.

What did I say only 3 months ago?


There is hope for Nokia yet.

12 May 2010, 18:37

A key point from Jason. Own your data.

#“A key point from Jason. Own your data.”

Oh yeah, and while hes taking your money and page views, hes
convincing everyone that they dont need their own customers
information: Just use Facebook Connect!

A typically OTT post from Jason but some important points in the hyperbole.

We're massive fans of Facebook Connect and Twitter OAuth, not as replacements for businesses owning their data and its context, but as adjuncts, as marketing tools.

Whether you are a business or an individual, Social Networks should be where you send _copies_ of things to. Own your pictures, opinions, reviews, poems, videos and memories. Share them using these tools.

11 May 2010, 16:19

I'm no fan of Flash but

#“I’m no fan of Flash but”

The latest demo video of Adobes Flash 10.1 tool for Android seems to be taking place on a Nexus One loaded with an ALIEN version of Android which pretty much has to be the latest FroYo Android 2.2 update were expecting to arrive very soon.

This is a damned impressive demo.

I only discovered the HTC Desire already has Flash Video the other day on the BBC site. Great to be able to zoom in on all the videos there, particularly the news ones.

11 May 2010, 14:21

My laugh out loud moment today

#“My laugh out loud moment today”

1964 - John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz create BASIC, an unstructured programming language for non-computer scientists.

1965 - Kemeny and Kurtz go to 1964.

Well that and my reaction to a bunch of po-faced secular-puritan twits getting an ad banned.

11 May 2010, 08:49

Location Based Marketing, Ireland and Foursquare

#“Location Based Marketing, Ireland and Foursquare”

Over 40 Million check-ins why isnt your business there?

Great post by Pat about Foursquare, have a read.

I think I did the first 4SQ check-in in Ireland (cos I’m a geek rather than cos I’m with-it).

I’m a huge fan of the 4SQ concept and bang the drum about it but TBH I think we’re still a long way from it having any real business impact in Ireland.

Are there any stats on rate of venue addition and rate of check-in in Ireland?

You only have to sit in Coffee Pod in Cork City Centre and look at what is “near me” to see what a wasteland it still is.

In a group of 11 “normal” people (plus me) in Carrick on Shannon last weekend with people carrying a mix of HTC Desire, Nexus One, E72, N97 etc, I was the only one doing any check-ins. I think 2 others even knew what 4SQ was.

In a town with a population of approx 4,000, I’m guessing that @johnnybeirne and @reverbstudios are responsible for a large percentage of the venues and check-ins.

Having said all of that, if I was a Dublin City Centre business with a strong following on Twitter, it’d be the next logical move.

But I think most will wait until Facebook do all of this and jump there instead where the numbers are. 1m users globally for 4SQ vs 1.5m users in Ireland alone on Facebook. And a big number of those FB users accessing it on mobile.

As for Gowalla. Game over already?

UPDATE 1: I hope GEO search on Foursquare (web-site) is broken otherwise it’s a lot worse than I thought. In Greater Cork (population approx 250k), it is listing 50 venues and 25 people. I’ll do more digging to see if I can set a centre and radius on that. Something we have in the LouderVoice Reviews API :-)

UPDATE 2: Whew, GEO search is crap. It’s just returning venues/people with “Cork” in their name. More data as I dig in.

05 May 2010, 12:42

Converting Video AVIs for use on HTC Desire and Nexus One

#“Converting Video AVIs for use on HTC Desire and Nexus One”

Grab Handbrake (Windows, Mac, Unix)

For zero effort just use the iPhone preset in the GUI.

If you use the command-line, this creates very nice video indeed (via NexusOneForum) that makes use of the h264 graphics accelerator in the phone.

HandBrakeCLI -i "infile.avi" -o "outfile.mp4" -f mp4 -e x264 -q 0.60 –loose-anamorphic -x level=30:cabac=0:ref=2:mixed-refs:analyse=all:me=umh:no-fast-pskip=1 –deblock -E faac -B 128 -R 48 -6 d

Note that it can now also convert unencrypted DVDs directly too.