30 Mar 2010, 12:07

Business Boot Camp. Sign-Up Now.

#“Business Boot Camp. Sign-Up Now.”

Business Boot Camp is a service where you provide me with a limited amount of information about your existing site or your startup plan, and I give you very practical feedback and suggestions for:

  • Site presentation, call to action and navigation
  • Messaging and communication
  • Product definition and price point
  • Marketing strategy, online and off
  • Search engine friendliness and optimisation
  • Blogging and social media strategy

Sabrina really really knows her stuff. Do your business a favour and sign-up for this.

30 Mar 2010, 10:36

Keynoir Launches

#“Keynoir Launches”

Keynoir is an exclusive buying club that gives its members access to a great lifestyle
packed with indulgent and fun experiences in major cities around the world.

I'm delighted for Phil Wilkinson and the rest of the team involved in the launch of Keynoir.

One benefit of the recession is the number of sites being created around special offers. We already work with Luckebox in this area in LouderVoice and I know of several others in the planning and Alpha stages.

Keynoir looks like a winner to me and has the team to deliver on it.

30 Mar 2010, 09:43

Oi Nokia. I'm still waiting for my free Ovi Maps

#“Oi Nokia. I’m still waiting for my free Ovi Maps”

Or is it Oy Nokia? Or even Nokia Oy.

You announced free Turn by Turn Voice Navigation in Ovi Maps on Jan 21st for your newest phones but hilariously not for your “flagship” device cos it didn’t have enough space on C:. 

It’s now March 30th and my N95-8GB still asks me for money if I want to use voice navigation. 

What’s the hold up? If it’s technical, all you have to do is make the navigation licence in the current Ovi Maps on N95-8GB cost €0. Job done.

Get the finger out.

28 Mar 2010, 19:39

Demand Led Innovation Workshops

#“Demand Led Innovation Workshops”

I’ll be honest, I see the word “innovation” and I instantly picture Dilbert’s PHB telling them to leverage synergy. It is a word that has effectively become meaningless. But when it is allied to action, then I’ll take another look.

I was contacted a while back by the guys in Innovator.ie about an Innovation Workshop but I mis-read the intent and thought it was just for those in the Civil Security Sector. It was only when someone else clarified it for me that I realised what it was all about and it looks very interesting indeed.

This is the language that caught my eye:

 What you and your colleagues will get from this workshop:

  • Bring new innovation practices into your business
  • Create sustainable business models for generating new revenue
  • Rapidly amend existing offerings to tap into new markets
  • Take skills learned to easily prototype and create new products and offerings

The workshops are two days long with a gap between the days as follows:

  • Newry - March 23rd & March 30th
  • Dungannon - April 15th & April 22nd
  • Cork - April 20th & April 27th
  • Galway - May 6th & May 13th

They are also not expensive. €250 and 2 staff can attend.


24 Mar 2010, 16:05

Teic.ie Xperia X10 to be available on O2 next month

#“Teic.ie \u00bb Xperia X10 to be available on O2 next month”

The phone will be available to customers from 8th April and will be free for some, assuming they sign up to the right bill-pay package.

Hurry up @vodafoneireland or you may lose me as a customer. How long before the HTC Desire or Nexus One arrives on VF?

23 Mar 2010, 10:02



But just try not watching it, or worse still turning it off before the end. You’ll see Gregg Wallace’s big testicle-like head, goading you about your inability to deliver strong flavours.

One of their very finest.

23 Mar 2010, 08:27

How useless is Google Buzz? This useless.

#“How useless is Google Buzz? This useless.”

In the latest of my tough love posts about Buzz (tagline “We’re moany bitches cos we care”), I take a screencast of what was displayed to me when I checked Buzz this morning:

6 weeks later and they still think this is acceptable.


Thanks sweeties.

In other Buzz news, I discovered last night that someone with a clue in Google turned on the ability for those with non-2.x versions of Android to access it. It remains the best way to use Buzz by far. The reality is Buzz should have been launched as a mobile-only product. If all the focus had gone there, Foursquare and Gowalla would be crapping themselves instead of laughing themselves to sleep every night.

Or if they’d had some joined-up thinking, it would have been the address book in Android from day 1. Ye know, what we all thought they bought Jaiku for.

Apologies to @interactivemark for using his Friendfeed stream import in Buzz to highlight the problem.



22 Mar 2010, 09:16

Save a packet on O2 Mobile broadband. Cancel and re-subscribe

#“Save a packet on O2 Mobile broadband. Cancel and re-subscribe”

I've had O2 mobile broadband for something like 2 years. I haven't used it much at all in the past few months and cancelled it a few weeks back. It was costing 30 p.m. for 10GB.

However the ongoing problems with Eircom DSL every single night from 7pm to midnight has been driving me insane. Throughput drops to almost 0bps. The feedback I see on Twitter is that I'm not the only one and Cork seems to be particularly bad.

So I finally setup the big assed external antenna connected to a Huawei E176 dongle and all seemed ok on that front as a backup. But Vodafone mobile broadband in Bandon is brutal due to really minuscule backhaul.

Yesterday I trotted off down to the O2 Shop in Bandon to sign up again. Now I'm getiing 15GB a month for 16.99 (normally 19.90). So my top Monday money saving tip - check your O2 bill. if you are giving them 30 a month for your dongle, cancel it.

Quick update on the external antenna. Yes it works in the attic, yes I get HSDPA but the throughput is very poor. So I'm going to have to bite the bullet and mount it outside somewhere where previous tests showed good throughput.

Second quick update - the E176 works perfectly plugged into my Billion Router.

20 Mar 2010, 18:21

Colm O'Gorman's response to Ratzinger's 'it was all someone else's fault'

#“Colm O’Gorman’s response to Ratzinger’s \“it was all someone else’s fault\“”

For nowhere in the eight page letter is there an unambiguous acceptance of responsibility for the global systemic cover up of child sexual abuse by priests. Nor is there any acknowledgement of the years of aggressive refusal on the part of the Vatican to accept the simple fact of clerical crimes and institutional church cover up. 

Not much more needs to be said.

19 Mar 2010, 10:56

Quick conoroneill.net Stattos

#“Quick conoroneill.net Stattos”

I’ve been blogging since 2001 and have long since lost any interest in stats on my blog posts. I never check non-biz related stats. But for interest’s sake I’ve been monitoring conoroneill.net since it is a brand-new blog.

I dunno if these stats are good, bad or indifferent for a new blog that is 99% promoted via Twitter and Facebook links. The one that jumps out at me is that whilst Twitter generates 18% of the visits, Facebook only generates 4%. That’s a reflection of the much smaller number of people I’m connected to on FB and their mainly non-tech demographic.

So according to Posterous since Feb 3rd 2010:

And according to Google Analytics from Feb 16th to Mar 18th:

  • 1,313 visits
  • 1,608 PVs
  • Direct = 51%, Twitter = 18%, Google = 9%, Posterous = 4% and Facebook = 4%