19 Mar 2010, 08:44

Yahoo Launches Blah Blah Blah and Then Cancels It 18 Months Later

Yahoo Launches Blah Blah Blah and Then Cancels It 18 Months Later

Instead of updating your friends contact information when it changes, your friends just do it for themselves and then everyone with permission to get that information automatically has their address book updated.

No-one in their right mind would spend time building up any data-set in Yahoo because you can be guaranteed with the next bungee VP re-shuffle, it’ll get canned.

19 Mar 2010, 06:50

Praise Allah, Chris Morris is back and he's packing

#“Praise Allah, Chris Morris is back and he’s packing”

He hasn’t done even one vaguely funny thing since Brass Eye. What a comeback. This looks bloody fantastic.


18 Mar 2010, 10:08

How Dead is Buzz? This dead.

#“How Dead is Buzz? This dead.”


I'm "following" 202 people on Buzz. Of course following would mean that I logon more than once a week.

Look closely at that screenshot. One person, one, is actually posting on Buzz. Every single other post there is automatically pulled from Twitter, Friendfeed, Flickr etc etc. No matter how far back I scroll, it's the same.

Kill it. Start again. Hire some people who actually understand people, not code.

As for Latitude. C'mon, are there even 4 people on the planet using it?

18 Mar 2010, 09:42

Huawei dongle with external antenna is in da house

#“Huawei dongle with external antenna is in da house”


Quick update on my outdoor broadband antenna story. I ordered a Huawei E176 broadband dongle on eBay from Hong Kong and a connector from Solwise in the UK two weeks ago. Connector arrived last week. Huawei just arrived. It means I should be able to get very solid HSDPA/HSUPA using the outdoor antenna. Will test as soon as it stops raining (June).

Quick pic of dongle plus connector. It seems the dongle casing is interfering with fully plugging in the connector. Nothing a stanley knife can't cure.

If you are going this route, the E176 seems to be the best one to get. Very few of the Huaweis seem to have external connectors and many of those that do, don't handle the higher speed HSUPA upload.

18 Mar 2010, 09:19

Die, Black UIs, Die Die Die

#“Die, Black UIs, Die Die Die”

I mentioned this on Twitter over the past two days. I absolutely hate black-heavy user-interfaces on anything. It was prompted by my trial of the soon-to-be-released Ubuntu 10.04.

All previous versions of Ubuntu had a colour scheme even more offensive than black: pooh brown. It’s the first thing I change whenever I install it. I was really happy to see the purple boot screen on this new version of Ubuntu but that turned to horror when it finally loaded and everything else was black.

The black default is why I don’t use Tweetdeck. Ditto Twibble on the N95-8GB. Yes I’ve tried dicking around with the colour scheme but life is too short. Let’s not forget Vista too.

Why do I hate black? Because, as I said to @belazir, these are the words I think of when I encounter a black UI:

  • Dark
  • Forboding
  • Uninviting
  • Sleazy
  • Nasty
  • Illegal
  • Warez

So yay for black clothes to make people look sexy. But boo to black UIs that make us all look like script-kiddies.


16 Mar 2010, 19:06

Imagine if Bill was still alive. And living in Ireland.

#“Imagine if Bill was still alive. And living in Ireland.”

Imagine how he’d deal with our snakes and weasels.

Bill Hicks = Jesus 2.0 and we only sussed it after he died.



16 Mar 2010, 08:04

A stench of evil, starting at the top

#“A stench of evil, starting at the top”

In May of that year, Ratzinger issued a confidential letter to every bishop. In it, he reminded them of the extreme gravity of a certain crime. But that crime was the reporting of the rape and torture. The accusations, intoned Ratzinger, were only treatable within the church’s own exclusive jurisdiction. Any sharing of the evidence with legal authorities or the press was utterly forbidden. Charges were to be investigated “in the most secretive way … restrained by a perpetual silence … and everyone … is to observe the strictest secret which is commonly regarded as a secret of the Holy Office under the penalty of excommunication.” (My italics). Nobody has yet been excommunicated for the rape and torture of children, but exposing the offense could get you into serious trouble.

You wonder why snakes like Brady behave like they do? Just look to the boss.

13 Mar 2010, 11:28

Streaming video to kids in car. The Video.

#“Streaming video to kids in car. The Video.”

Really pleased with how well this is working with the N770 tablets and Mediatomb running on EEbuntu. Now going to try Android, iPhone and N95-8GB a streaming clients. Have already got it working with Windows Media Player. Less success on the Linux video players without hacking.

If someone knows how to lock the N770 screen without causing the video to pause and creating a catch-22, let me know.


13 Mar 2010, 08:16

Twitter Hates its Irish Users

#“Twitter Hates its Irish Users”


Twitter’s first foray into the world of advertising involves them relentlessly badgering anyone in Ireland who has an 087 number with this ad front and centre at the top of their timeline.

The only way to remove this eyesore is to delete your mobile number from your settings or via a bookmarklet! (thanks to those lovely people who gave me those tips)

If this is the subtle non-intrusive advertising that Ev Williams and Biz Stone are going to roll out to all their users, gawd help us all.

I’m sticking with Seesmic Web from now on when on netbooks.

11 Mar 2010, 18:41

Screw Ideas Part II. It's still all about execution

#“Screw Ideas Part II. It’s still all about execution”

West Cork Tourism began its campaign at the beginning of 2009 to raise funds to get a service back on the Cork Swansea route and a co-op was formed with some 300 members who each contributed 10,000 towards the cost of purchasing a boat.

These people are legends.

Even if it isn't a success, to get this far with the project in the middle of a recession is incredibly inspiring.

How many people sitting in pubs around the country thinking "oh that was my idea".

Ideas schmideas.

Once again for good measure: The Three E's - Execution, Execution and Execution.