10 Mar 2010, 10:10

The Three Es - Execution, Execution and Execution

#“The Three Es - Execution, Execution and Execution”

The report backs the introduction of bonus CAO points for maths in the Leaving Cert in order to boost student interest. It also proposes major investment in upgrading broadband capability. And it backs changes to the bankruptcy laws.

I'll hold detailed commentary until I read the report. The IT story has no ideas in it that anyone working in tech couldn't have come up with over a latte in Starbucks.

I really want my original post on this topic to be wrong. I really do.

07 Mar 2010, 18:50

Update on Mobile Broadband External Antenna

#“Update on Mobile Broadband External Antenna”


Our house is surrounded by small hills so, despite being only 2km from the cop station base-station, even voice calls are a constant pain. SMS arrival time can be measured in hours depending on where we are in the house. There is a one-bar GPRS data signal sometimes using an E270 broadband dongle.

After the floods took out Eircom but not Vodafone and O2, I realised that I could get HSDPA on O2 by sticking the dongle on a bamboo cane and sticking the bamboo cane in a tree fern. This then connected to a Billion router in the shed which gave us Wifi in the house when DSL was down. But it’s hardly a permanent solution.

So I got a big-assed Poynting directional external antenna from Solwise in the UK. Since then I’ve done a few quick tests but nothing conclusive as most of the Eircom DSL outages don’t last too long. The big disappointment was that I couldn’t just stick the antenna in the attic, point at the cop station and be done. I could only get GPRS up there. The problem seems to be the loss caused by the coupler which straps to the dongle so that it can be connected to the antenna.

Today I did some more detailed testing and tried the antenna in a variety of locations in the garden and attic and doing full 360 rotation. I finally managed to get 3 bars of HSPA on Voadfone with the antenna mounted on the kids playhouse. For some reason the Blacknight ISP test wouldn’t load for me so I tried downloading Ubuntu from Heanet instead. I was thrilled to see a solid 300kB/s (2.4Mbs) download speed.

But everything I have read says we could do better with a non-coupler solution and perhaps the attic would become feasible. So I am ordering an unlocked Huawei E176 dongle which has an external antenna connector and also a pigtail from Solwise to connect it in. I’ll then permanently mount the antenna ready for the next Eircom outage.

One thing I realised doing all of this was that a Huawei MiFi device with antenna connection would be the ultimate disaster backup for us. Just connect it to the antenna whenever DSL goes down and have Wifi to the house without messing with mains power in the shed. Doesn’t look like they have one with such a connector yet. Pity.

05 Mar 2010, 16:26

Cloud computing storm - The blind leading the blind

#“Cloud computing storm - The blind leading the blind”

While not renowned for its technology expertise, one of the roles of the Chief State Solicitors Office is to review commercial agreements for public bodies before they sign them.

I generally think the Public Sector makes too much use of outside consultants instead of building in-house expertise and encouraging their own people to be specialists.

And then something like this happens and I'm actually speechless with despair.

05 Mar 2010, 14:51

If Old Spice made ads for Apple...

#“If Old Spice made ads for Apple…”

Oh this could easily be the next Downfall meme.

I'm on a horse.

via http://twitter.com/nexustech

01 Mar 2010, 16:21

No No No. No-one can play Jim Rockford except James Garner

#“No No No. No-one can play Jim Rockford except James Garner”

The new Jim Rockford is described as “slightly crumpled, wry humored, cynical, world weary, compassionate when it’s called for and easily irritated by morons.

-> Dermot Mulroney to star in Rockford update - Television- msnbc.com

Are they trying to destroy every cherished memory of my youth?

What next? Mannix?

01 Mar 2010, 15:17

You know you're a geek when this man was your childhood hero

#“You know you’re a geek when this man was your childhood hero”


Sir Clive Sinclair: "I don't use a computer at all" | Technology | The Observer

I still want a QL. Dunno why. But I do.

01 Mar 2010, 15:07

An oldie but a goodie - Venture Capitalist T-Shirts

#“An oldie but a goodie - Venture Capitalist T-Shirts”

Yes No Shirt



01 Mar 2010, 09:12

Think the iPad is amazing? The ePad is amazinger

#“Think the iPad is amazing? The ePad is \u0091amazinger\u0092”

My laugh for the morning.

25 Feb 2010, 16:19

Twitter / JFK__1960: The key to the future is ...

#“Twitter / JFK__1960: \u0093The key to the future is …”

The key to the future is power - power on the farm as well as in the factory - power in the country as well as in the city.

Now if we had a politician who had the vision to see that the key to _our_ future is ultra hi-speed broadband to every house in the nation. That would be someone I could vote for.

The Rural Electrification Scheme V2.0

25 Feb 2010, 08:06

Well if Padma likes Foursquare

#“Well if Padma likes Foursquare”

It took Twitter nearly 4 years to get even remotely recognised or understood by normal people. From what I can see, Foursquare is going to do the same in less than 18 months (someone find me a Moore's law analogy there).

They now have Bravo TV in the US promoting it. And any ad that has Padma Lakshmi in it, is a winner in my book.

The branded badges in Foursquare are genius. A win-win-win. The brands get advertising, Foursquare gets revenue and brand junkies get recognised for their fandom (also see post yesterday about Paul Carr's Guiltvault).

I had thought all of these LBS guys were dead with the arrival of Buzz. But Google has fucked that launch up so badly, it's racing towards the magical world of Orkut/Latitude/Dodgeball/Jaiku/Froogle/Base/Notebook.