11 Feb 2010, 16:34

Just bought Gravity Forms for WordPress

#“Just bought Gravity Forms for WordPress”


I really like Machform but the lack of conditional fields was killing me along with the necessity to edit CSS to make the forms match the site theme.

What I really need is a full workflow system but this should do the trick for the time being.

And I got 20% off using WOOFORM20 so that’s nice :-)

11 Feb 2010, 15:53

Buzz Reveals Google's Split Personality - PCWorld Business Center

#“Buzz Reveals Google’s Split Personality - PCWorld Business Center”

I want Google to start treating me like a person. Just one person, not as at least three different accounts.

What he said, times 10.

11 Feb 2010, 14:43

If the Nokia N8-00 is for real, Nokia may have just kept me as a customer

#“If the Nokia N8-00 is for real, Nokia may have just kept me as a customer”


Nokia N8-00: first Symbian^3 handset with 12 megapixel camera, 720p video, and HDMI leaked in summer roadmap? – Engadget

This is exactly what I’ve been screaming for.

Ye see, I don’t give a crap about OSes. Win7, Ubuntu, ChromeOS, OSX, whatevah. All I ask is “does it have the tools I want/need”. If it’s yes and if it stays out of my goddammed way (no more N95-8GB questions), then apps can be written in Cobol to run on a VMS emulator for all I care.

12MP. Ye beauty.

And don’t ye effing dare skimp on the memory!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 Feb 2010, 09:42

Deeply satisfying to overclock my phone

#“Deeply satisfying to overclock my phone”

SetCPU changes the CPU clock (overclock, underclock, or tweak speeds) on your rooted G1, ADP1, Magic, Nexus, or Droid to increase performance or save battery.

In the old days I did it on PC CPUs but that doesn't compare to overclocking my G1 phone from 384MHz to 528MHz.

Supposedly some people have it stable at 700MHz.

A hackers delight.

11 Feb 2010, 08:27

My Profile on Google Buzz is...., but I ain't happy

#“My Profile on Google Buzz is…., but I ain’t happy”

Right, I'm in playing with Google Buzz on the Desktop and I don't like it but I'll keep at it for a while. It's Friendfeed 2.0, and we all know what a roaring success that was.

A bigger problem is the lack of GoogApps account support. I have driven all my mail through that account for the past three years. Now I have to revert to an old semi-dead GMail account to use Buzz.

So do I build up a network on Buzz there and in 3 months time Google announces "Yay we now support Google Apps in Buzz" and I have to start all over again?

Identity in Google in totally broken. I have a LouderVoice Goog Apps account and I have exactly the same email address as a Google Profile but not as GMail. So I can log in some places with GoogApps, some places with the Goog Profile and others with the old GMail account.

Even in Android, which does accept Goog Apps accounts, if I try and use that account in Google Voice on the Android phone, it tells me to piss off and use a GMail account. Ditto the Amazon MP3 store.

Does anyonein Google talk to anyone else?
Oh yeah.

But perhaps not forever.

Any chance I can change that to conoro or conoroneill? Nah, didn't think so. Too busy boiling the ocean to add useful features.

10 Feb 2010, 09:04

How to get a non-Deadly Buzz on

#“How to get a non-Deadly Buzz on”

It looks like Google Buzz accounts inside your GMail are like hen’s teeth at the minute but if you are desperate to try it out and you have a smartphone you should be in luck.

Just use your phone to go to http://google.com/buzz and it’ll probably let you set up an account there and give you access to the mobile web version of Buzz

If you have an Android, Nokia N-series/E-series or WiMo phone you’ll also be able to install a Google Maps upgrade that has Buzz features built-in. I wasn’t able to sign-up for Buzz within GMaps.

Some initial notes:
  • Despite my excitement about the mobile version during the announcement, it hasn’t blown me away at all
  • Mobile UI is a cluttered mess
  • They should just buy Gowalla if they want to see how to build a usable and decent LBS Mobile HTML5 Webapp
  • Discoverability is poor
  • River of news it ain’t
  • Twitter killer - not even close
  • Doesn’t seem to work for GoogApps accounts
  • I have 4 GMail accounts. How does it handle my social interactions now?
  • Algorithmize my business and personal contacts into two groups? No I didn’t think so.
  • The GMap version is Latitude 2.0 i.e.I’m So Ronery So ronery. So ronery and sadry arone
  • Voice bubbles on a map is pointless when it’s low density like West Cork and unusable when it’s high density like SFO
The desktop version did not impress at all at the launch so I shudder to think what that will be like when I get my hands on it.

If Google had just built Gowalla or Foursquare or hell even Twitter (hallllllllo Jaiku) and grown out from there, I think it could have worked. But this boil the ocean approach to social by a non-social company is already feeling like a flop.

And back to what I said in mid-2008. If Google had baked Jaiku into the address book of Android, the mobile social networking world would look very different today. But that would have involved two Google divisions actually talking to each other. Wave much?

So in summary:

Mobile Buzz = Google Local Business Centre with Comments.

Desktop Buzz = TBD

09 Feb 2010, 19:17

Google Buzz on Mobile - What Latitude should have been

#“Google Buzz on Mobile - What Latitude should have been”

I did a running commentary during the announcement on Twitter. Not convinced by the Desktop stuff but the mobile bit is brilliant and I'd be crapping myself in any Local-focused site.

Read this stuff in reverse order:

@dermotcasey I'm unconvinced by the desktop stuff. But mobile blew my socks off.

No update for Google Maps in Android Market. C'monnnnnnnnnn #buzz

Forget all my negative stuff about the desktop side. Google actually has me really excited by the mobile aspects of #buzz.

Oh shit it's Gillmor. Wait for him to ask Sergey if they have implemented Track in #buzz

Gowalla picked the wrong day to roll out an API. Yesterday might have been a smidge better :-) #buzz

I said it over a year ago after seeing @marissamayer at @leweb , Google will own Local. That new mobile #buzz stuff is incredible.

OK, the mobile app integrating into Place Pages is a killer. Nice. Maybe Yelp shudda took the money.

So Google simultaneously going after Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed, Foursquare, Yelp and Gowalla. Boiling the ocean.

Ouch ouch ouch. New Google Maps for Symbian, WiMo and Android. "Other platforms coming". Sticking it to the Steve.

Vic thinks they are called "Tweeds" not Tweets. Screw your algorithms. I want filters! That I create. Human not machine. Geddit?

So Google is adding a bunch of features that Facebook is deprecating like auto-suggesting best content. Welcome to 2008.

"The @ reply is a feature that is becoming popular on the web". He can't even say Twitter. Jesus. Buzz = Non-Enterprise Google Wave?

Google Buzz. How many poxy products have had that name. Including Yahoo. Up there with Bing.

09 Feb 2010, 18:13

Dodgeball, Orkut, Jaiku, Latitude. Spot the pattern?

#“Dodgeball, Orkut, Jaiku, Latitude. Spot the pattern?”

Yes just 4 of Google’s attempts to do “Social” online. All complete flops. Or growing until Google bought them and killed them.

It’s pretty hard for an organisation that’s built on secrecy to build something social.

When has a representative of Google Ireland ever attended any local event here in an official capacity? Or sponsored one? Figure the basics out before you start trying to apply technology to a human activity.

So let’s see what they announce today.


09 Feb 2010, 18:04

WordPress To Posterous Users: Graduate to a Full Blog. Eh, no.

#“WordPress To Posterous Users: Graduate to a Full Blog. Eh, no.”


So I have multiple wordpress.org and wordpress.com blogs and yet I still set up a Posterous blog last week. It’s about a damn sight more than an email interface.

For example does wordpress.com autopost to Facebook or Twitter? Does it have a powerful bookmarklet like the one I am typing in right now?

Wordpress.com is about getting you into wordpress.com. Posterous is about distribution.

09 Feb 2010, 12:14

The next Facebook Developer Garage Ireland

#“The next Facebook Developer Garage Ireland”


The next Garage is on. The last one was jam packed to the rafters so RSVP early. Fab location too. Should be the best yet.