09 Feb 2010, 11:44

Dave Barry: Super Bowl was great - and so was the game

#“Dave Barry: Super Bowl was great - and so was the game”

All in all I thought it was a terrific Super Bowl, except when the Toyota Corolla with the stuck throttle crashed through the west grandstands and took out the entire CBS sideline reporting staff.

I’m kidding, of course. It was a Camry.

Dave is still da man.

09 Feb 2010, 11:16

They had me at Foodie

#“They had me at Foodie”

On Tuesday, Foursquare is unveiling a partnership with Zagat, the restaurant-guide publishers. It plans to offer a Foodie badge that can be earned by checking into Zagat-rated restaurants in major cities, like New York, San Francisco and Chicago.

It just gets better and better.

09 Feb 2010, 11:05

Nokia Social Network tool on S40. WTF?

#“Nokia Social Network tool on S40. WTF?”

So the Nokia Social Network tool supports N97, 5800 etc and now S40 devices.

But not one mention of N95, N96 and a bazillion other N-series handsets which are owned by people who actually use Social Networks on their phones.

But my mother-in-law who can just about handle email on a PC and uses her candybar S40 phone for calls and SMS only is now supported?

Honestly Nokia, you make me despair.

p.s. And when the hell can I use Voice Nav in Ovi Maps for free on my N95-8GB? It was still looking for money on Friday.

09 Feb 2010, 09:39

IE 6 Upgrade petition for the Irish Government

#“IE 6 Upgrade petition for the Irish Government”

We, the undersigned, want the Irish Government to:

  • Encourage all government departments to upgrade from IE6 if they are still continuing to use it.
  • Encourage all citizens of Ireland to upgrade from IE6 to a more modern, safer browser.

Simple, potentially effective way of finally putting a bullet in the brain of the zombie browser known as Internet Explorer 6.

Any Government Department still using it should have their PCs disabled until they upgrade, as a matter of national security.

08 Feb 2010, 15:18

CloudSplit - Real-time Cloud Analytics. Real-time spending insight

#“CloudSplit - Real-time Cloud Analytics. Real-time spending insight”


Since we are totally hosted in Amazon EC2, this type of information is critical. Signing up now!

08 Feb 2010, 14:47

My kinda ad, from the Goog

#“My kinda ad, from the Goog”


08 Feb 2010, 10:31

LastPass Password Manager

#“LastPass Password Manager”

LastPass by joe@lastpass.com

(785 Ratings) - 57,762 users - Weekly installs: 20,217

LastPass is a free password manager and form filler. LastPass is also available for Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari (Mac).

For many years I used eWallet as it was the only Password Manager that worked on Windows and my Palm IIIx.

A few years back I moved to KeePass since it worked on Windows, Linux and, most recently, Android.

But keeping it up to date on multiple machines is a complete pain.

This morning I discovered LastPass. Not only is it an online solution that integrates with your browser but it is cross-platform and cross-browser and imports from KeePass. Annnnd, does iPhone and Symbian S60.

I’ll report back on how well it works.

08 Feb 2010, 09:31



I would generally prefer to gouge my ear drums out with a rusty nail than be subjected to comedians who do "funny" songs. Singing comedians are like musical theatre, good at neither.

But Tim Minchin did make me giggle recently on Jonathan Ross. Then last night I saw this and he made laugh out loud. Several times. Superb.

07 Feb 2010, 19:45

Flash, HTML5, and Mobile Apps

#“Flash, HTML5, and Mobile Apps”

I know where I personally come out in this fight. I much prefer a “web-centric handheld world” to a “proprietary app centric universe”. And that’s why I carry a Google phone instead of an iPhone. For me, it’s a political statement as much as anything else.

Fred, as always, expresses what many of us think better than we could ourselves.

07 Feb 2010, 12:16

Speeding up your Eircom Broadband

#“Speeding up your Eircom Broadband”

We signed up for Eircom 7 Mbs broadband last year having moved from dial-up -> ISDN -> 2 Mbs -> 3 Mbs since arriving in Bandon in 2003. However, the lines out to Old Chapel are allegedly "rubbish", whatever that means. So despite being less than 2km from the exchange, we were mainly connecting at 4Mbs on the 7Mbs line. Or worse, connecting at 5.5 and falling back to 4 or worse.

As a step one, I dumped the chronically unreliable Netgear Rangemax DG834PN router and replaced it with a Billion 7402NX. It does Wireless-N and is well known for being good with bad lines.

Whilst I was disappointed to find that it only connected 5Mbs, I was thrilled that it was generally a rock-solid 5 with better actual throughput than the Netgear.

Then three weeks ago I finally decided to disconnect some unused extension wiring. Bang, now I was on 6.1Mbs. Wahoo!

Yesterday, I opened up the main Eircom phone point and pulled out all the other extension wiring, leaving a lone pair of wires connected.

Damn still on 6.1Mbs.

But this morning I did an Ubuntu update on the kids' PC. It averaged 650 KB/s download (bytes not bits). That's 5Mbs+ sustained on a router that has 6 other PCs connected to it doing a variety of stuff. That'll do nicely.

Of course 24Mbs is a pipe dream.